Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's a mall kind of day...

I ventured out today because i was about to go stir crazy for my third consexcutive day at home. For my enjoyment I hit up the mall to do some serious "mall walking." It was one of those senior moments at the mall, walking around and not really there for a whole purpose except to just kick it because I was bored out of my mind at home. All that was needed was a cup of stale mcdonald's coffee in my hand, bitch'in polka dot nylon sweatsuit, black velcro therapy shoes, and my 1 lb arm weights on my wrists.
I found myself walking through stores looking at clothes, people watching, and talking loudly on my phone... I am sure everyone around me heard me telling **** about how my mom wants me to marry a "Good Catholic" man, ideas on how to take a drug free piss test, or about the people I work with... I probably talked to **** for a good portion of my time at the mall. And my favorite part to this whole trip is people watching. I LOVE doing that. There are some really exotic people roaming the mall during a work day.

Tomorrow, I will probably be at work again wishing that I was couped up at my house taking a nap or mall walking.. so I guess I should treasure these kind of days relaxing and not really doing a lot.

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