Sunday, September 03, 2006

"Ah It'll be great"

I found myself last night letting loose due to my stress from the week. It was one of those nights that i wish I hadn't drank that much.. I found myself driving home EARLY this morning and having to pull over mulitple times to puke. (Sorry for that picture. ) My 25 minute drive turned into a full hour of me wishing I hadn't ever put a single drink in my body. As for today, I dragged ass all day long. My hangover was so bad that i could barely see straight at 10am this morning. So I opted to fall back to sleep and found myself sleeping until noon. In the end, Layne Park and Sue Pang had a successful night of letting our hair down a bit and having a good time.

The other day, I was interviewing at a pre-school for a pre-k teaching position and this little boy came up to me and said..."YOu don't look like a teacher." I replied by saying, "Who do you think I look like?" He replied by saying, "Um you look like a doctor." I asked,"What kind of doctor," he replied by saying i looked like a kidney doctor.....Come to find out his dad is a "kidney" doctor..

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