Friday, October 19, 2007

30th week..

Quote of the day....
Grandma...."Well how can you tell if someone is old?" Little girl.."You can tell by how many cavities they have grandma."
I was sitting in front of a coffee shop in the downtown shopping district last weekend when I heard this exchange between a grandma and her granddaughter.

Yes, i am in my 3oth week of pregnancy.. Yikes.. Scary.. Getting close.. My third trimester has been like my first trimester.. I am tired.. all of the time.. Well, it doesnt' help lately with this darn Seattle weather. Anyways, people say to enjoy your second trimester.. It's true.. YOu feel like a normal woman.. (Somewhat..) And those horrible prego times from your first trimester suddenly reappear during your last trimester.. The cankles and swollen feet are just the tip of the iceburg.. I have learned to keep my feet up in the evening and drink water.. In case I haven't mentioned this.. Water is everything during pregnancy. It's good to be drinking a ton of water.. Also.. once in a while it's good to mix powerade or gatorade with water.. Your body may need some extra electrolites.. Thanks Auntie P for that great advice...

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