My little cuties..
I found myself on the phone two weeks ago ready to drop kick it out my car window. My client was on the other end expressing her "frustration" to me over the damn lists that she makes for me on occasion. I should explain to everyone about these lists that are made for me. When she runs out the door to escape from "reality" they are usually left on the island in the kitchen. The notes are scribbled on the college ruled notebook that has her therapy notes on the other pages. The notes start in the normal chipper mood....."Hi Tess! I hope you are having a good day. I am off running errands and I need you to PLEase do few thngs for me around the house.........Thanks(heart) ***" She will usually list a number of unusual chores that needs to be done as soon as possible. Some are the usual laundry folding and dish excitement. Some other times I find myself vacuuming the front and back patios, reorganizing her closet or cleaning it, vacuuming the clean hard wood floors, or doing returns at stores. It ranges from day to day but I think the most odd job would have to be vacuuming the front and back patios with the vacuum. Oh and yes, the rocks.. cleaning the rocks in the backyard....(i almost forgot to mention that.) I always find myself doing these things with a huge smile on my face and usually saying something rude and crude under my breath.
As I am driving toward their house, the jabbering words are coming out of her mouth from across the phone lines and they start to jumble all together because it really wasn't that intriguing. It was the adjective, "Frustrating" that caught my ears at full speed. She continued to express that she was irritated by the fact that her dishes and laundry weren't getting done effiecently. She used the example of the weekend before this conversation. (They were leaving for the weekend and the clothes weren't done in time for her. ) My time with the kids was less important because the dishes and laundry needed to get done asap before they left for the weekend. MInd you, doing these extra curriculars aren't really in my job description. I was a little upset because she doesn't realize how much I usually do for her on a regular basis. These things are minor to what i usually do on a regular basis. The pile of unfolded laundry or the load of clean dishes in the dishwasher can wait. I am there for the kids mostly and their well-being. It starts to become a little f***ed when the laundry and dishes are more of a priority than your own kids. I can understand that there are definite apropriate times during the day when things like this are acceptable. Obviously, there was a reason why I didn't get that list done. And I am always doing that shit for her. I really don't mind but when scoffing over something so little takes place, i start to go bananas! I find more out from the kids when i am there alone with them then when they are with their mom.
In the end, I apologized and told her that she was right and always will be right. I was a little snooty when i made that remark but I think she knew that it was a little weird that she was calling me out on her ridic. lists. I was a little upset over this phone conversation and was ready to rip her a new one. But I didn't. My patience must have prevailed this time around.
I must admit, I do LOVE my job. I don't want everyone to get the wrong idea. If I didn't like it I wouldn't be doing this. There have been times when I sit and scoff about these things. In all aspects. i do love my job.....
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