I ventured out today because i was about to go stir crazy for my third consexcutive day at home. For my enjoyment I hit up the mall to do some serious "mall walking." It was one of those senior moments at the mall, walking around and not really there for a whole purpose except to just kick it because I was bored out of my mind at home. All that was needed was a cup of stale mcdonald's coffee in my hand, bitch'in polka dot nylon sweatsuit, black velcro therapy shoes, and my 1 lb arm weights on my wrists.
I found myself walking through stores looking at clothes, people watching, and talking loudly on my phone... I am sure everyone around me heard me telling **** about how my mom wants me to marry a "Good Catholic" man, ideas on how to take a drug free piss test, or about the people I work with... I probably talked to **** for a good portion of my time at the mall. And my favorite part to this whole trip is people watching. I LOVE doing that. There are some really exotic people roaming the mall during a work day.
Tomorrow, I will probably be at work again wishing that I was couped up at my house taking a nap or mall walking.. so I guess I should treasure these kind of days relaxing and not really doing a lot.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
"Maby we can get to know eachother.."
"Maby we can get to know eachother......"
I am seriously sick of those nasty white men who have terrible yellow fever that come and leave me messages on myspace. "I just want to be friends.." Or here is a classy one, "It's late, what are you doing?" Um yuck!! Another one I got this evening: "Maby we can get to know eachother......" First of all spell "maybe" right. Um how old are you and it you must be from ***** to spell that word wrong. A few weeks ago, I also got the web address to someone's flickr page. Well, you know me I went and looked... I just laughed really loud..
It's lame because I am obsessing about this shit right now.. It's probably because I have cabin fever right now and am ready to let loose.. If I had alcohol with me tonight my roommate would probably come home to find me intoxicated.. But no.. I don't have any...
I am seriously sick of those nasty white men who have terrible yellow fever that come and leave me messages on myspace. "I just want to be friends.." Or here is a classy one, "It's late, what are you doing?" Um yuck!! Another one I got this evening: "Maby we can get to know eachother......" First of all spell "maybe" right. Um how old are you and it you must be from ***** to spell that word wrong. A few weeks ago, I also got the web address to someone's flickr page. Well, you know me I went and looked... I just laughed really loud..
It's lame because I am obsessing about this shit right now.. It's probably because I have cabin fever right now and am ready to let loose.. If I had alcohol with me tonight my roommate would probably come home to find me intoxicated.. But no.. I don't have any...

This pictures makes me want to go back and just relax again. We cheated on the hiking part and did only a small portion of it but watching the sun go down at this peak was pure gorgeousness. ***, you must go on a REAL hike one of these days.. Hikes and scenery like this makes me adore nature and the outdoors even more. I like to get dirty!
The snow is beautiful here but I think everyone seriously freaks out about this damn snow. I looked outside tonight and found it to be just frosty with a bit of ice. And cold, sure.. but we've all survived this weather before.
Grr.. It's late for me.. Really late.. I just looked at the clock and it's 1:00am. Yikes. I took an aleve for a fever and it's kept me up.. I don't care what people say about Aleve it always a jolt of energy for me....P told me that it helps for those menstrual cramps.. Works... But after taking a couple I am adhd gone mad. If you can just imagine...
Now I am fever free, but am awake and ready to take on a day....HA..yup.. Sure.. My body is going to hit a wall here in few hours... So I will be watching a few informercials and checking on my bids on ebay.. (Yuck, another addiction.. due to my sanity of being at home all day.. ) I will not see my actual curling iron until Aprilish.. So I decided to look for another one on ebay.. Found one but hopefully I will win this beast... Keep the fingers crossed.. Knowing me I will sit straight up in my bed at 7:00 Am and go straight to my computer to see if anyone has outbid me on this beast. Don't worry folks, my blogs won't be consisting of my ebay addiction...
I stayed home today because I am still not feeling up to par. I found myself in bed watching re-runs of cheesy sitcoms and those tlc shows... And I did about an hour of work and then found myself colapsing on my bed again.. I slept for part of the day.. I should have taken an aleve earlier today, I would have felt like a new woman.. Oh well..(note to self.. take aleve during the day and not late at night..)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Yesterday morning on my way to work i found myself pratically drenched from head to toe because of the rain. Since I work by one of the major hospitals I decided to trek in the sketchy doors of the ER and ask for a pair of scrub pants. (My school is affiliated with them so I have priveledges at this particular hospital. Don't think I marched off of the street and went in asking for a pair of scrub pants randomly..) As I walked into this part of the hospital, my eyes were as big as watermelons and I was staring like a little kid. I couldn't help but do it because I am a pure maniac when it comes to people watching or maybe I am just too damn nosey. Well, what got my heart pounding was the fact that there were cops everywhere and it seemed as if something just went down. So of course, after I recieved my pants I stayed and watched a little bit longer hoping that I could see something.. But no..
Besides that short stint of excitement for me yesterday, it has been rather busy for me. Last night, you probably would have seen me asleep on my bed with a book in my hand at about 10:00pm. Exhausted from my day and knowing that it was just the begining of my week. (bleh.) Because of me falling asleep there was nothing accomplished. So tonight, is the night that will begin a marathon of multiple activties. No other time to really sit back and relax. Although I am using some of my "tess time" to do this right now. Actually my tess time has carried on for almost two hours. It's actually needed... Okay, ready set go.. The marathon will begin now..
Besides that short stint of excitement for me yesterday, it has been rather busy for me. Last night, you probably would have seen me asleep on my bed with a book in my hand at about 10:00pm. Exhausted from my day and knowing that it was just the begining of my week. (bleh.) Because of me falling asleep there was nothing accomplished. So tonight, is the night that will begin a marathon of multiple activties. No other time to really sit back and relax. Although I am using some of my "tess time" to do this right now. Actually my tess time has carried on for almost two hours. It's actually needed... Okay, ready set go.. The marathon will begin now..
Monday, October 30, 2006
Hangover from hell...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
How old are you? Because your age isn't shinning through your maturity level.

I have posted my FOB picture with my new hair color. *** I apologize for a box dye but had to do it. My ronald mcdonald hair dyeing experienced was horrible.
Ahh.. Frustration has come over me and it makes me soo mad. So the only time I can really vent about this kind of stuff is on my blog. GRR... It's alright though. I just wish that sometimes people would think about things more clearly but i guess it doesn't happen. Bleh.. YOu would think age puts a level of maturity on people but think again folks. Why do people have to act so extremely stupid?! Can you answer me that question?
I am going to get off of my soap box here and go back to preparing for my week a head.
FYI.... The west coast kads are looking for a few good men and women who want to play in the soccer tournament in Seoul for the IKAA gathering in 2007.. Please let me know if you are interested or if you know of anyone..
**West Coast Native or currently lives on the west coast.
**Previous soccer playing experience...
**Must enjoy the game.
**Can play two 20 minute halves..
**Spirited and can cheer their teammates on at the games and practices...
Saturday, September 30, 2006
"Ummm Teacher-I mean teacher lady-yeah umm teacher....."
Quote of the day.... "Oh thats another one of your private school words that I don't understand because i went to public school......." P.N.
I sit in front of my parent's computer with a shower cap over my head and black hair dye in my hair. Lets put this simply... I didn't have the money to go and get my roots fixed at my trusty hair dresser so I decided to head to good ole Walgreens last night with my sister and pick up dye. Well this is round one mind you.. I thought that this dark red dye would do it's job. But apparently not.. It ****ed my hair up making me look like a half ronald mcdonald.
So fast forward to today, after being upset and embarrased I dragged my ass back to the store and picked up some more hair dye but this time my natural color but darker. My grey was actually starting to show again so I am assuming this time around will be a better. (I hope...)
On another note I must rant about something that i witnessed at Walgreens this morning. WHile sitting in the hair dye aisle I hear a mom yelling at her child at the top of lungs over somethings pretty ridiculous. He was just being a little boy asking question after question. Yes, I have to admit it is annoying to hear your child ask question upon question but there is no need to sit and yell at him at the top of you lungs. I was rather irritated when I heard the whole situation because it was "verbally" abusive to some degree. I know we come from different "Cultures" but children need to be treated correctly. After getting to see another side of children working as a nanny I have seen how "children" react to the wrong parenting methods. And it's not good because that is where we find those sociopaths in the news committing crimes. Parents like this mom today need to learn that there is a better way of dealing with their children. And the sad thing to this solution, there is not a lot of resources out there for that type of help. IF there was something 9 times out of 10 most likely the parent wouldn't accept help because they think there is nothing wrong....
I sit in front of my parent's computer with a shower cap over my head and black hair dye in my hair. Lets put this simply... I didn't have the money to go and get my roots fixed at my trusty hair dresser so I decided to head to good ole Walgreens last night with my sister and pick up dye. Well this is round one mind you.. I thought that this dark red dye would do it's job. But apparently not.. It ****ed my hair up making me look like a half ronald mcdonald.
So fast forward to today, after being upset and embarrased I dragged my ass back to the store and picked up some more hair dye but this time my natural color but darker. My grey was actually starting to show again so I am assuming this time around will be a better. (I hope...)
On another note I must rant about something that i witnessed at Walgreens this morning. WHile sitting in the hair dye aisle I hear a mom yelling at her child at the top of lungs over somethings pretty ridiculous. He was just being a little boy asking question after question. Yes, I have to admit it is annoying to hear your child ask question upon question but there is no need to sit and yell at him at the top of you lungs. I was rather irritated when I heard the whole situation because it was "verbally" abusive to some degree. I know we come from different "Cultures" but children need to be treated correctly. After getting to see another side of children working as a nanny I have seen how "children" react to the wrong parenting methods. And it's not good because that is where we find those sociopaths in the news committing crimes. Parents like this mom today need to learn that there is a better way of dealing with their children. And the sad thing to this solution, there is not a lot of resources out there for that type of help. IF there was something 9 times out of 10 most likely the parent wouldn't accept help because they think there is nothing wrong....
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Re-visiting the past and laying her down to rest.
I must say that I am in the midst of laying to rest someone who has been a huge part in my life and will continue to be as I go down the road of life. (Sounds cheesy but true.) It makes me sad because this person should be here right now putting me into my place and letting me know things will be just fine. She's the one who made my dreary days go round and would put a simple smile on my face when life seemed hard. My thursday nights are no longer combed with Survivor, drinking pepsi and eating oreos or girl scout cookies. The security of knowing I can call her up or go over to her house and talk about just about anything is no longer there.
All of these are distant memories that I keep close to my heart. My bonding time with my Auntie will always stay with me. I wish deep down in my heart that she could be with me on my wedding day and when i am bring a new life into the world.. Instead she will have the best seat in the house looking down upon me during some of these important times in my life....
Today, as I say my last goodbye to this amazing lady I know she will always have a huge place in my heart. The legacy she left behind to carry on is one damn good one. Auntie, I love you so much! Thank you for being my Mom and keeping me in check with reality. You are the most amazing person in my life and I treasure ever moment I had with you.
All of these are distant memories that I keep close to my heart. My bonding time with my Auntie will always stay with me. I wish deep down in my heart that she could be with me on my wedding day and when i am bring a new life into the world.. Instead she will have the best seat in the house looking down upon me during some of these important times in my life....
Today, as I say my last goodbye to this amazing lady I know she will always have a huge place in my heart. The legacy she left behind to carry on is one damn good one. Auntie, I love you so much! Thank you for being my Mom and keeping me in check with reality. You are the most amazing person in my life and I treasure ever moment I had with you.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
"Miss Teresa-Miss Tess-Miss Betts"
The debate will continue, K*** until I find the right ring to a title. I promise, Miss Tess will not be used.. So now it's between Miss Teresa and Miss Betts.. You decide K***.
As I sat and talked to **** and **** last night while at work I came to the conclusion that there is a definite lack of parenting skills when I am not around. I am afraid to say that **** throws more fits then i can actually handle when I have not been around for some time. (Just observations....) **** tells me how mean and strict I really am but in most regards it's for their own well-being... Their parents have no energy to deal with this nasty cycle of irrate behavior...
So I must pose a question to everyone..."When is it okay to carry around a "booby" aka blanket and or pacifier?" YOu must be sitting on the edge of your seats folks waiting to hear my answer to this burning question.. My little *** who is 2y-o has this special blanket whom he refers to as "dd." This special blanket has those special smells that you would find with a 2 y-o because he brings it to bed and on occasionally takes it out and about. At this age, it's okay to have this "dd" around but mostly in bed. MInd you, it should start to disappear once pre school starts for him. Meaning, he shouldn't bring it to school with him but mostly likely just keep it at home for bed time. And slowly start to phase it out of bedtime.. If the child is treated like a big-kid and feels secure enough he or she will slowly start to not want that beast as much without prompting from their parents.
What about a 6 1/2 year old? Should a blue blankie named marshmallow and "dd" be allowed to be carried around on daily basis? Well, I first must say that ironically, another "dd" was bought for M*** because he was having a huge cow over it not too long ago. M*** sees and hears about ***'s "dd" and realizes that he must have one as well. M*** had one as a little baby and they got rid of it because blue blankie and marshmallow came into play. His mom went out and bought another "dd" for him..(Shake my head and roll my eyes....) Well, M*** shouldn't have this thing with him while going to school let alone carry it around the house like there is no tomorrow. If you were to see his pre-k picture its of him with his cousin, the blue blankie and pacifer is with him as well. His mom thinks its rather cute but not really... Do you really think it's apropriate for him to even have that at school? NO!!! Pre-K is bad but kindergarten and first grade is even worse. Leave that shit at home.. Hide it.. Don't ever let it come back until he is an adult. I know they think they are helping him because it's a "security" thing but in reality you are making him more insecure by having that god damn blanket with him. If he can't go to school without then throw that shit away when he's not looking.
There are many reasons why he must carry this blankie around. So use your imagination and learn from these parent's frightful mistakes. I am just the nanny and I can only do so much. I have actually had to hide other things but they have been found because i didn't do it properly....So when it's time to have your own kids refer to this blog and remember that not all books on safe security is accurate let alone those barbara swensons of mercer island. I am sorry that i put down that name but sometimes the obvious is in clear view. You DO NOt need a child guru to state the obvious to you let alone make you feel better about your shitty parenting skills because the nanny actually makes tons of sense. Can you tell I am a bit irritated?
As I sat and talked to **** and **** last night while at work I came to the conclusion that there is a definite lack of parenting skills when I am not around. I am afraid to say that **** throws more fits then i can actually handle when I have not been around for some time. (Just observations....) **** tells me how mean and strict I really am but in most regards it's for their own well-being... Their parents have no energy to deal with this nasty cycle of irrate behavior...
So I must pose a question to everyone..."When is it okay to carry around a "booby" aka blanket and or pacifier?" YOu must be sitting on the edge of your seats folks waiting to hear my answer to this burning question.. My little *** who is 2y-o has this special blanket whom he refers to as "dd." This special blanket has those special smells that you would find with a 2 y-o because he brings it to bed and on occasionally takes it out and about. At this age, it's okay to have this "dd" around but mostly in bed. MInd you, it should start to disappear once pre school starts for him. Meaning, he shouldn't bring it to school with him but mostly likely just keep it at home for bed time. And slowly start to phase it out of bedtime.. If the child is treated like a big-kid and feels secure enough he or she will slowly start to not want that beast as much without prompting from their parents.
What about a 6 1/2 year old? Should a blue blankie named marshmallow and "dd" be allowed to be carried around on daily basis? Well, I first must say that ironically, another "dd" was bought for M*** because he was having a huge cow over it not too long ago. M*** sees and hears about ***'s "dd" and realizes that he must have one as well. M*** had one as a little baby and they got rid of it because blue blankie and marshmallow came into play. His mom went out and bought another "dd" for him..(Shake my head and roll my eyes....) Well, M*** shouldn't have this thing with him while going to school let alone carry it around the house like there is no tomorrow. If you were to see his pre-k picture its of him with his cousin, the blue blankie and pacifer is with him as well. His mom thinks its rather cute but not really... Do you really think it's apropriate for him to even have that at school? NO!!! Pre-K is bad but kindergarten and first grade is even worse. Leave that shit at home.. Hide it.. Don't ever let it come back until he is an adult. I know they think they are helping him because it's a "security" thing but in reality you are making him more insecure by having that god damn blanket with him. If he can't go to school without then throw that shit away when he's not looking.
There are many reasons why he must carry this blankie around. So use your imagination and learn from these parent's frightful mistakes. I am just the nanny and I can only do so much. I have actually had to hide other things but they have been found because i didn't do it properly....So when it's time to have your own kids refer to this blog and remember that not all books on safe security is accurate let alone those barbara swensons of mercer island. I am sorry that i put down that name but sometimes the obvious is in clear view. You DO NOt need a child guru to state the obvious to you let alone make you feel better about your shitty parenting skills because the nanny actually makes tons of sense. Can you tell I am a bit irritated?
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
"it's not oo-tang"
My quote is from a recent conversation that i had with P in regards to the Wutang Clan. I told P that it wasn't oo-tang although it kinda sounds like it. And it wasn't them or Macy that I saw this past weekend. You would think he would know some of these names.
This past weekend I got to see Blue Scholars, Kanye West, and A Tribe Called Quest. I must say that I was mostly disappointed by Kanye West's performance. I am glad that I didn't pay tons of money to watch him sing 4 of his songs. A and I ended up leaving partly through it because it wasn't that great. And I was actually one of the oldest at that particular show. Yes indeed the bop scene was in full affect at that concert... A and I joked around that Kanye would go off stage because he needed to change his underwear. it wasn't for costume changes. As A and I were standing at the concert we came up with a few observations while listening to Kanye choke. (I apologize but it truly sucked!) 1. PDA amongst the bops was rather intense that night. It back me back to high school at bhs where this couple would sit in the halls during break and lunch and go at it. 2. Kanye's bright turquoise jacket was rather obnoxious. 3. I don't know if parents should bring their little ones in a stroller or back pack to a concert. (I have rather mixed emotions about that currently...) 4.Realizing that I must be getting a little old to be sitting around with the bopsters and listening to Kanye's dj spin the whole night. 5. I probably could have bought his cd and sat and listened to it at home. 6. Smuggling in bottles of hard A into a concert must be a talent and then watching these 12 year olds play "pass the bottle around" was rather amusing. I would always drink before hand because we were always afraid of getting caught. 7. Some people shouldn't be wearing certain clothes out in public. Don't their parents say anything? (I sound a damn soccer mom!)
I mentioned earlier that I did get to see A Tribe Called Quest. Let me tell everyone it was one of the best performances that i had seen. Before they got on stage a group by the name of Atmosphere and put on an amazing show too. I had actually seen them while I was in San Fran last month.. There was less of a bop scene at that concert and more of an older crowd. I stood with TS and her family watching this kickin concert. I accidently ran into them while waiting to go into the concert. No really observations were formed while at this concert. I was actually digging the concert.
Are the rumors actually true? Will they actually reunite? I have a hunch that they will for sure..
More to come later... I need to get into bed. It has been one of those days for me. Got a bunch of stuff accomplished and the nanny diaries will continue during the next installment. I needed to take a vacate from that spectrum.. Crazy things have been happening and i must share more of the nanny diaries......
This past weekend I got to see Blue Scholars, Kanye West, and A Tribe Called Quest. I must say that I was mostly disappointed by Kanye West's performance. I am glad that I didn't pay tons of money to watch him sing 4 of his songs. A and I ended up leaving partly through it because it wasn't that great. And I was actually one of the oldest at that particular show. Yes indeed the bop scene was in full affect at that concert... A and I joked around that Kanye would go off stage because he needed to change his underwear. it wasn't for costume changes. As A and I were standing at the concert we came up with a few observations while listening to Kanye choke. (I apologize but it truly sucked!) 1. PDA amongst the bops was rather intense that night. It back me back to high school at bhs where this couple would sit in the halls during break and lunch and go at it. 2. Kanye's bright turquoise jacket was rather obnoxious. 3. I don't know if parents should bring their little ones in a stroller or back pack to a concert. (I have rather mixed emotions about that currently...) 4.Realizing that I must be getting a little old to be sitting around with the bopsters and listening to Kanye's dj spin the whole night. 5. I probably could have bought his cd and sat and listened to it at home. 6. Smuggling in bottles of hard A into a concert must be a talent and then watching these 12 year olds play "pass the bottle around" was rather amusing. I would always drink before hand because we were always afraid of getting caught. 7. Some people shouldn't be wearing certain clothes out in public. Don't their parents say anything? (I sound a damn soccer mom!)
I mentioned earlier that I did get to see A Tribe Called Quest. Let me tell everyone it was one of the best performances that i had seen. Before they got on stage a group by the name of Atmosphere and put on an amazing show too. I had actually seen them while I was in San Fran last month.. There was less of a bop scene at that concert and more of an older crowd. I stood with TS and her family watching this kickin concert. I accidently ran into them while waiting to go into the concert. No really observations were formed while at this concert. I was actually digging the concert.
Are the rumors actually true? Will they actually reunite? I have a hunch that they will for sure..
More to come later... I need to get into bed. It has been one of those days for me. Got a bunch of stuff accomplished and the nanny diaries will continue during the next installment. I needed to take a vacate from that spectrum.. Crazy things have been happening and i must share more of the nanny diaries......
Sunday, September 03, 2006
"Ah It'll be great"
I found myself last night letting loose due to my stress from the week. It was one of those nights that i wish I hadn't drank that much.. I found myself driving home EARLY this morning and having to pull over mulitple times to puke. (Sorry for that picture. ) My 25 minute drive turned into a full hour of me wishing I hadn't ever put a single drink in my body. As for today, I dragged ass all day long. My hangover was so bad that i could barely see straight at 10am this morning. So I opted to fall back to sleep and found myself sleeping until noon. In the end, Layne Park and Sue Pang had a successful night of letting our hair down a bit and having a good time.
The other day, I was interviewing at a pre-school for a pre-k teaching position and this little boy came up to me and said..."YOu don't look like a teacher." I replied by saying, "Who do you think I look like?" He replied by saying, "Um you look like a doctor." I asked,"What kind of doctor," he replied by saying i looked like a kidney doctor.....Come to find out his dad is a "kidney" doctor..
The other day, I was interviewing at a pre-school for a pre-k teaching position and this little boy came up to me and said..."YOu don't look like a teacher." I replied by saying, "Who do you think I look like?" He replied by saying, "Um you look like a doctor." I asked,"What kind of doctor," he replied by saying i looked like a kidney doctor.....Come to find out his dad is a "kidney" doctor..
Friday, August 11, 2006
The little syndrome
I couldn't think of any other title except for this one. As I was walking to the store with my charges this evening a spark of interest started to rise about one of them. i never really use their names but i am sure their pictures have been seen but many of you.. So one I shall remain nameless is the youngest of the two. He is a very different 6 year old with a very different approach to life. This child is brilliant in many different ways. As I have read in so many different books no one is truly dumb. We are all smart in our own ways. People use the word "DUMB" too freely and it actually bugs me a bit too...So instead of rambling on with multiple sentences I will set up this case by using bullet points. This child looks like he is six but wants to be younger than his actual age because his parents treat him like he is still a baby. (thats my choppy thesis....Needs work-I know...)
*He doesn't like to wear his normal sizes in clothes. He tends to wear a lot smaller clothes. (There are multiple arguments for this particular one but it will prove my other points...) I had to hide some of his very small t-shirts last fall becuase he wanted to wear them to school.. God help his soul...
*The constant whining and crying when he doesn't get his own way drives anyone up the wall. He is always whining because something isn't right.. And his mom will run to his aid when he is trouble because she doesn't want to deal it..
*Some of his large motor skills and physical activities are below his age group.. But ironically his small motor skills are way advanced for his age.
*He is struggling with keeping up on his academics and is seeing someone for this currently..
*A pacifer was used all the way up to his 5th year... HIs preschool pictures shows it quite well. (The mom thinks its cute but it's a little much...I would have ditched that sucker along with his blue blanket a long time ago..) This arguments also goes with the whole attachment theory....
*The red trike must go.. He won't ride his big boy bike because the small red trike is a lot nicer..
*The pretend baby words are always used...
Okay, so this could go on and on forever.. But I guess there are many reasons and factual details that can go along with this argument here. I will have to move on here later.. My eyes are starting to blur... (Tired... So good night for now.. More to come later....
*He doesn't like to wear his normal sizes in clothes. He tends to wear a lot smaller clothes. (There are multiple arguments for this particular one but it will prove my other points...) I had to hide some of his very small t-shirts last fall becuase he wanted to wear them to school.. God help his soul...
*The constant whining and crying when he doesn't get his own way drives anyone up the wall. He is always whining because something isn't right.. And his mom will run to his aid when he is trouble because she doesn't want to deal it..
*Some of his large motor skills and physical activities are below his age group.. But ironically his small motor skills are way advanced for his age.
*He is struggling with keeping up on his academics and is seeing someone for this currently..
*A pacifer was used all the way up to his 5th year... HIs preschool pictures shows it quite well. (The mom thinks its cute but it's a little much...I would have ditched that sucker along with his blue blanket a long time ago..) This arguments also goes with the whole attachment theory....
*The red trike must go.. He won't ride his big boy bike because the small red trike is a lot nicer..
*The pretend baby words are always used...
Okay, so this could go on and on forever.. But I guess there are many reasons and factual details that can go along with this argument here. I will have to move on here later.. My eyes are starting to blur... (Tired... So good night for now.. More to come later....
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Am I proud?!
So I must make a point to a dear friend of mine... I know he won't be reading this but I need to get this off of my chest because we have been talking in circles about this........Yes, i should say I am proud... But thats not the reason why i shared this with you..... I think of you as a close friend and so that is why i wanted to share these things with you...Okay so get over whatever you have and just deal with it..
I realize while sitting at the concert on Sunday that I must have a pet peeve with white males trying to act thuggish.. It actually is pretty funny watching these guys walk around with a bit of a limp and try and talk rather idiotically to people.. The F bomb comes out of their mouths like a drunken sailor and their baggy clothes barely hangs on their bodies. My cousin act that way and tries to all thuggish but it doesn't help because all I can see is this tall dorky white guy standing in front of me spilling out the f bomb and other terms that I don't wish to express here. I think I heard him say the n word one night and i about jumped down his throat...grr.. (That is a whole other story... .)Overall besides my current pet peeve the concert kicked ass. It was super chill and the acts were great. And no m from SF J-5 was not there. i lied.. I was just really drunk that night I met you and couldn't remember any of the other acts besides Wutang... I had fun getting to know you and kicking it with you before i left on Monday....Cheers to burrito joints at 200am and meeting some cool people.....
A shout out goes to the San fran crew....It was great getting to spend time with all of you.. Bring on Tribe... I am ready to party like a rock star again with all of you...B and M I hate say this but I drank both of you under the table on Friday... Well, I take back M, because you were prefunking with whisky before we met up with you..... So B, I drank you under the table. It was kinda nice seeing other people puking on the side walk besides me.... And fyi, i was not carried out of a club or bar this weekend....It seems like every time I go out with some of these people that always seems to happen to me..
B Betts, we ventured everywhere all weekend.. Went to a Hawaiin festival, went and some good korean good off of Geary, went to some swanky bar on Sunday near the downtown shopping area.. It was at some famous hotel..... I will fill you in more later......And yes the concert was awesome...
I realize while sitting at the concert on Sunday that I must have a pet peeve with white males trying to act thuggish.. It actually is pretty funny watching these guys walk around with a bit of a limp and try and talk rather idiotically to people.. The F bomb comes out of their mouths like a drunken sailor and their baggy clothes barely hangs on their bodies. My cousin act that way and tries to all thuggish but it doesn't help because all I can see is this tall dorky white guy standing in front of me spilling out the f bomb and other terms that I don't wish to express here. I think I heard him say the n word one night and i about jumped down his throat...grr.. (That is a whole other story... .)Overall besides my current pet peeve the concert kicked ass. It was super chill and the acts were great. And no m from SF J-5 was not there. i lied.. I was just really drunk that night I met you and couldn't remember any of the other acts besides Wutang... I had fun getting to know you and kicking it with you before i left on Monday....Cheers to burrito joints at 200am and meeting some cool people.....
A shout out goes to the San fran crew....It was great getting to spend time with all of you.. Bring on Tribe... I am ready to party like a rock star again with all of you...B and M I hate say this but I drank both of you under the table on Friday... Well, I take back M, because you were prefunking with whisky before we met up with you..... So B, I drank you under the table. It was kinda nice seeing other people puking on the side walk besides me.... And fyi, i was not carried out of a club or bar this weekend....It seems like every time I go out with some of these people that always seems to happen to me..
B Betts, we ventured everywhere all weekend.. Went to a Hawaiin festival, went and some good korean good off of Geary, went to some swanky bar on Sunday near the downtown shopping area.. It was at some famous hotel..... I will fill you in more later......And yes the concert was awesome...
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
"Oh Shut up You Wuss!"
From the sounds of this title you must have guessed how maxed out I am at this point.. Yes, folks things are starting to bulid up for me and that exact phrase came out of my mouth tonight at my soccer game to this guy who was being rather lame. I should point out that right before that remark came out of my big mouth I had accidently pushed him. This time I really didn't mean to do it. And even before this I had kicked him in the foot. I apologized profusely but the ass was making a huge deal about it. So after that last incident I basically had diarrhea coming out of my mouth at full force. I was told the week before that I am too nice and that I don't have a mean bone in my body. ummm guess again folks... He was wrong.. Lately, I have had this shit list that has been growing. The first people on my shit list was the Apple store(god help their souls) then it was the bank(it was banking error and my work's fault. Too much to get into but you can probably use your imagination once again), and now this guy tonight. he was a trip! I hate having to get upset at people but it really got to me. Maybe things are finally starting to wear on me and my patience is slowly dwindling away. And I must be turning into raging bitch! LOl.. well not really. I am just kidding at this point. There are definitely things in my life that are causing me to have a shit list these days. So i must like to take things out on other people and companies... Not good.. I am a little irritated at this point and i realize things have to be taken down a notch.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
"And she plays phone tag mom-all of the time!"
My nanny diaries saga must continue.
There are many things that a nanny must do in order to keep up with everything in the general household life. It's actually pretty tough at times having to juggle "mom" time with the kids and getting the daily chores done. So in some sense I feel like a housewife except for the 4 karat rock on my hand and my "plastic" body... (I know that was pretty rude.. but I had to interject that somehow. Not all housewives have that 4 karat ring and a plastic body.. Just where I roll these days.) My expectations are pretty high to some degree having to make sure "things" are being picked up, the laundry is done, and the dishes are taken care of... All of this in a full day along with the child rearing responsibilities. In my case the mother is around and I tend to take in whatever she doesn't have time because of her busy schedule of shopping and "appointments." So everything that I mentioned above plus more from time to time.
It fries me when I hear their mom coming to telling me that i talk way too much on the phone. Usually when i am on the phone, there is a consistency of me folding and putting away laundry or dishes being done, etc... And it's rare to find me picking up my phone and calling up a friend. It's usuallly me answering my phone and making short conversation with people. Yes, it's hard to believe I have short conversations with people on the phone.. But it's true. And then to make things worse, **** told her mom that i don't spend enough quality time with them because I am on the phone. I called bullshit! Do you realize that there is no happy medium when it comes to their mom because one minute the dishes and laundry all need to be done first before I hang out with the kids or it's the other way around. Grrr....Does she realize how much time I spend with them. And these kids aren't the easiest to motivate to go and do thngs because their mom is around.. Plus they know what buttons to push... they basically have their parents around their tiny little fingers.. I find myself pulling my hair out of my head beccause **** is crying and won't get his clothes on to go somewhere... Should I also mention that i am the one coordinating their social calender.. ie play dates... hmmmm... I am actually making sure that they get to have fun with their own friends.. Just because the babysitter ***** taught them how to play tennis and hold a tennis racket doesn't mean that i do that sort of stuff with them on a regular basis.. Who taught **** how to dive in the pool? Or what about tredding water... What about sitting down with her and working on the newspaper for days.. And the projects for school?! Or teaching them how to ride a bike........hmmmm.. The list could go on for days on what I do with these kids.. To make that comment about my phone next to my ear all of the time.. Ridiculous!!! She doesn't fully understand what I do on a daily basis because she is not always there to see those days go down. Those well-behaved kids that I get great comments about are because of me.. I hate to say it but it's true. i have taken time and energy to get them where they are today. And not all nannies invest this much time and energy into their charges but I have.. I am damn proud of it!! Because of me for this short time in their lives, they will have some kind of small responsibility or respect for their elders.....
Bleh.. Phone.. PHone.. She can stone me for using the phone...She just doesn't look at the bigger picture times because she is caught up with more of her drama....
There are many things that a nanny must do in order to keep up with everything in the general household life. It's actually pretty tough at times having to juggle "mom" time with the kids and getting the daily chores done. So in some sense I feel like a housewife except for the 4 karat rock on my hand and my "plastic" body... (I know that was pretty rude.. but I had to interject that somehow. Not all housewives have that 4 karat ring and a plastic body.. Just where I roll these days.) My expectations are pretty high to some degree having to make sure "things" are being picked up, the laundry is done, and the dishes are taken care of... All of this in a full day along with the child rearing responsibilities. In my case the mother is around and I tend to take in whatever she doesn't have time because of her busy schedule of shopping and "appointments." So everything that I mentioned above plus more from time to time.
It fries me when I hear their mom coming to telling me that i talk way too much on the phone. Usually when i am on the phone, there is a consistency of me folding and putting away laundry or dishes being done, etc... And it's rare to find me picking up my phone and calling up a friend. It's usuallly me answering my phone and making short conversation with people. Yes, it's hard to believe I have short conversations with people on the phone.. But it's true. And then to make things worse, **** told her mom that i don't spend enough quality time with them because I am on the phone. I called bullshit! Do you realize that there is no happy medium when it comes to their mom because one minute the dishes and laundry all need to be done first before I hang out with the kids or it's the other way around. Grrr....Does she realize how much time I spend with them. And these kids aren't the easiest to motivate to go and do thngs because their mom is around.. Plus they know what buttons to push... they basically have their parents around their tiny little fingers.. I find myself pulling my hair out of my head beccause **** is crying and won't get his clothes on to go somewhere... Should I also mention that i am the one coordinating their social calender.. ie play dates... hmmmm... I am actually making sure that they get to have fun with their own friends.. Just because the babysitter ***** taught them how to play tennis and hold a tennis racket doesn't mean that i do that sort of stuff with them on a regular basis.. Who taught **** how to dive in the pool? Or what about tredding water... What about sitting down with her and working on the newspaper for days.. And the projects for school?! Or teaching them how to ride a bike........hmmmm.. The list could go on for days on what I do with these kids.. To make that comment about my phone next to my ear all of the time.. Ridiculous!!! She doesn't fully understand what I do on a daily basis because she is not always there to see those days go down. Those well-behaved kids that I get great comments about are because of me.. I hate to say it but it's true. i have taken time and energy to get them where they are today. And not all nannies invest this much time and energy into their charges but I have.. I am damn proud of it!! Because of me for this short time in their lives, they will have some kind of small responsibility or respect for their elders.....
Bleh.. Phone.. PHone.. She can stone me for using the phone...She just doesn't look at the bigger picture times because she is caught up with more of her drama....
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Shopping for Numbness...
I posted the picture really late last night but wanted to continue on this rather invigorating morning. With three different alarms going off at 7:15 and the third one going off in a whole other room i am rearing to go..(Well now I am because it's 830 in the morning..) Now i sit in front of my laptop and think about all of what i have to look forward to this fine day. Well, to say the least I have not had tons of energy to do the thngs that i normally do at work the past few days. it has been difficult for me to really stay focus on taking care of 4 other people due to my own stresses. but i managed to fold and put away 5 loads of laundry, load and unload the dishwasher, and fertilize parts of the yard yesterday.. I did all of this in between being a parent to two kids. It's tiring but even more when i am not feeling like I want to do it. Through all of the madness at work I realized a few things...
1. WE should all live everyday to the fullest. 2. don't sweat the small things..3. People will come and go out of your life but the special ones will stay close to your heart forever...4.Letting your emotions out and blaring Neil diamond in the car is definite fix. 5. retail therapy only goes so far. Just makes your pocket book a little lighter. 6. Patience is DEFINITE VIRTUE.. Especially when you are not in the mood to use the patience that you were given. 7. Poop and pee can only make things worse for a child..(I can not really expand on that at the moment.. To say the least I can't wait to write a paper on this..) 8. My love can only go so far and being a teacher to two little ones at the moment will only last for so long. 9. Teaching your child manners is the best thing in the world...10. I love my sleep these days.. Naps included PN....11. alcohol gives anyone a terrible hangover the next day.. And dragging ass all the next day is not the greatest....12. Plastic bodies should be outlawed at the swimming pool.....13. Getting to see Wutang back together in SF and partying iit up with the Sf crew will let a few stressers go out the door....14.Whispering sweet nothings into the phone....15. All day dance parties is a true remedy for being down....16. Baby-baby-baby-baby...Not to worry Betts family.. not me...17.I apparently have a doppleganger running around seattle..(RF you are not the only one with a doppleganger.) 18. Reminiscing with MM about being carried out of club with her because we could barely walk on our own two feet brought me back to last summer. My korean side came out that night......19. I am not the only one falling down stairs or tripping and falling...20.I am getting free cable in my room. 21. Watch out world, here I come! 22. I should have practiced my keg stands last weekend.... have not done one since my 21st birthday.
I know some of these don't make a lot of sense.. So just use your imagination and figure those "hard to get" ones out. A shout out goes to my auntie...I know you are keeping a good eye on me.. Love you...
Now back to getting ready for the day.. I have to be somewhere at 10 so I must be ready to go in a few..
1. WE should all live everyday to the fullest. 2. don't sweat the small things..3. People will come and go out of your life but the special ones will stay close to your heart forever...4.Letting your emotions out and blaring Neil diamond in the car is definite fix. 5. retail therapy only goes so far. Just makes your pocket book a little lighter. 6. Patience is DEFINITE VIRTUE.. Especially when you are not in the mood to use the patience that you were given. 7. Poop and pee can only make things worse for a child..(I can not really expand on that at the moment.. To say the least I can't wait to write a paper on this..) 8. My love can only go so far and being a teacher to two little ones at the moment will only last for so long. 9. Teaching your child manners is the best thing in the world...10. I love my sleep these days.. Naps included PN....11. alcohol gives anyone a terrible hangover the next day.. And dragging ass all the next day is not the greatest....12. Plastic bodies should be outlawed at the swimming pool.....13. Getting to see Wutang back together in SF and partying iit up with the Sf crew will let a few stressers go out the door....14.Whispering sweet nothings into the phone....15. All day dance parties is a true remedy for being down....16. Baby-baby-baby-baby...Not to worry Betts family.. not me...17.I apparently have a doppleganger running around seattle..(RF you are not the only one with a doppleganger.) 18. Reminiscing with MM about being carried out of club with her because we could barely walk on our own two feet brought me back to last summer. My korean side came out that night......19. I am not the only one falling down stairs or tripping and falling...20.I am getting free cable in my room. 21. Watch out world, here I come! 22. I should have practiced my keg stands last weekend.... have not done one since my 21st birthday.
I know some of these don't make a lot of sense.. So just use your imagination and figure those "hard to get" ones out. A shout out goes to my auntie...I know you are keeping a good eye on me.. Love you...
Now back to getting ready for the day.. I have to be somewhere at 10 so I must be ready to go in a few..
Monday, July 17, 2006
"Tess, I don't kiss and tell......"
It occurred to me this morning, that when I hang out with certain people my true "Korean" side tends to come out. For those who are unfamilar with that term i am refering to the non-stop drunken madness that usually occurs at all hours of the day and night. If you were to go out in Korea, there is no such think as 1:30 am last calls and closed container laws to be heard of in sight. And throwing up on the street usually doesn't stop them from drinking. it's usually break time and then back to the constant madness. I tried that one night and found myself so hung over that i could barely see straight the next day. Anyways, that night of fun lasted quite a long time but to some certain people's perspective it ended in drama. I was too out of it really care that night. I told PN to relax and let it go. But i guess it's hard to do at times. My night of getting to let loose was a blast and running into old "friends" was even more memorable for me. The last part of the night was me getting upset at the taxi driver and then treating him like one of my little charges. I guess my aggressiveness tends to come out when I am intoxicated. After that taxi ride a couple of us tried to walk to the McDonalds but we could not pin point the place. So we ended up at the local 76 station eating microwavable mac and cheese heating up burritos. All said and done, the night was great. These people can come out and have a blast no matter what. (Even pn.) It's different with these people.. It's not just a friendship that i can count on, it's more than that to me. These people are my "Family." I am lucky to be part of such a large family that I can let loose with once in a blue moon. We can be ourselves around eachother and know that we all have unique distintive personalities to bring into this large family.
Pn, you know I will always give you a hard time about things because I know I can. But you can tell me when to stop. I love ya and thats why I can do that. IT's no excuse but you know if i was in similar situation you would do the same.....YOu are a burst of sunshine in my life and can put me into my place if need be.. You are a great listener and can dish out good advice if needbe....
Pn, you know I will always give you a hard time about things because I know I can. But you can tell me when to stop. I love ya and thats why I can do that. IT's no excuse but you know if i was in similar situation you would do the same.....YOu are a burst of sunshine in my life and can put me into my place if need be.. You are a great listener and can dish out good advice if needbe....
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Grandma is coming. Grandma is coming.. Oh no!!
So I must reiterate that it has taken me a few days to do this entry. It's from pure exhaustion these days.
Last night I decided to go for a walk with a friend of mine which turned into a 2 hour excursion out and about. It was one of those days that I needed to go and clear my head from all of the activities. There are times where I just need mellowing out time because I can't seem to concentrate on other things. I finally told**** yesterday that I couldn't go into work today(Saturday) because I it would be my only day to do things for myself. It's mighty true. I had spent the entire week at work helping to prepare for 'Grandma's" arrival..(uncle bob's ex..) As mentioned it's a whole production in itself due to the vacuuming that i have to do outside.(lol) And the cleaning out of closets and cupboards that was done by me. We tend to move****'s room around because he never sleeps or plays in there so we can accomodate more than one house guest. It's a cute and cozy room so I don't know why he doesn't want to hang out in there more.
Anyways, my week started out pretty rough and I actually found myself going home early and crying on MOnday.. I was an emotional wreck due to some circumstances that i will explain later on down the road. The rest of the week seemed to be better and I was able to sit back and think about a few things...
Before i finish up here.. I started this and I have to finish this 100 pieces of me. I got this from reading a friend's blog not too long ago.. I won't make it to 100 today because I don't have that kind of time right now,,,,,
1.I hate when people touch the pillow that i sleep on... I am getting better though...
2, My comforter is another touchy thing for me. There are those select few who can actually do it. (Weird I know.)
3. Coffee and diet coke are my choice of addictions. I have been sticking to coffee these days....
4. I love my flip flops..
5. Orange Juice and Vodka or a good martini are my two favorite drinks...
6. Cheap gin makes my lips swell for a couple of weeks. (I learned that the hard way one time.)
7. Korean food never used to be my favorite. When my sister and I went to korea for the first time- we ate granola bars and drank water for the first two days of our trip..
8. I have eaten live octopus.. It was rather tasty....I watched it being cut up right in front of me.
9. I hate needles but then again I have a put myself through two tattoos and a nose piercing..
10 My second tattoo took over 5 hours. I should go back one of these days to get it touched up... But then again, I am fine..
Last night I decided to go for a walk with a friend of mine which turned into a 2 hour excursion out and about. It was one of those days that I needed to go and clear my head from all of the activities. There are times where I just need mellowing out time because I can't seem to concentrate on other things. I finally told**** yesterday that I couldn't go into work today(Saturday) because I it would be my only day to do things for myself. It's mighty true. I had spent the entire week at work helping to prepare for 'Grandma's" arrival..(uncle bob's ex..) As mentioned it's a whole production in itself due to the vacuuming that i have to do outside.(lol) And the cleaning out of closets and cupboards that was done by me. We tend to move****'s room around because he never sleeps or plays in there so we can accomodate more than one house guest. It's a cute and cozy room so I don't know why he doesn't want to hang out in there more.
Anyways, my week started out pretty rough and I actually found myself going home early and crying on MOnday.. I was an emotional wreck due to some circumstances that i will explain later on down the road. The rest of the week seemed to be better and I was able to sit back and think about a few things...
Before i finish up here.. I started this and I have to finish this 100 pieces of me. I got this from reading a friend's blog not too long ago.. I won't make it to 100 today because I don't have that kind of time right now,,,,,
1.I hate when people touch the pillow that i sleep on... I am getting better though...
2, My comforter is another touchy thing for me. There are those select few who can actually do it. (Weird I know.)
3. Coffee and diet coke are my choice of addictions. I have been sticking to coffee these days....
4. I love my flip flops..
5. Orange Juice and Vodka or a good martini are my two favorite drinks...
6. Cheap gin makes my lips swell for a couple of weeks. (I learned that the hard way one time.)
7. Korean food never used to be my favorite. When my sister and I went to korea for the first time- we ate granola bars and drank water for the first two days of our trip..
8. I have eaten live octopus.. It was rather tasty....I watched it being cut up right in front of me.
9. I hate needles but then again I have a put myself through two tattoos and a nose piercing..
10 My second tattoo took over 5 hours. I should go back one of these days to get it touched up... But then again, I am fine..
Monday, June 19, 2006
Do I have a cat?
On friday I went on a field trip with ****'s class to the zoo. I woke early enough to sit and watch the weather report and they seem to have lied because I went in to that day thinking that it was going to be cloudy and drizzly all day. Sure folks.. It really wasn't the case. Instead I found myself in my rain jacket dripping wet from head to toe. It wasn't just raining it was monsoon time in Seattle because it came down in sheets. ****and I went under cover in the Butterfly exhibit at one point and found that everyone else had the same idea. We were both getting antsy so we ventured out in the rain with the other half of the zoo patrons and quickly saw some more animals. It got to the point where I made him pull over again and we both huddled under the eave of this building. OH yeah, I should also mention that i left my umbrella in my car that day. So if you can just imagine that i wore the wrong rain coat that day. (The hoodless look.) Instead, I looked like a drowned rat by the time we departed the zoo that day. In the end, we found some other kids from his class and decided to go into this food pavillion and hang out for the last hour of the visit. The rain was just too much for these little kids. (I wouldn't blame them.) As we were exiting the zoo that day, the sun came out to play...
Later on that day, i found myself in ****'s class watching her classmate's class presentations on their service projects. **** decided to go grocery shopping for an elderly man in their neighborhood. (Pat on my back.. That was my idea..) We did, or I should say, I did a poster for this presentaion. And it kicked ass! She actually did a good portion but it was like pulling teeth to do what we did. I think she would have gone to school unprepared if I hadn't cracked the whip on tuesday night. IT would have been my fault too (ie her mom) if it wasn't done by the time I had left that evening. *Gee, this reminds me of the whole "list" issue.* I was actually pretty nervous on what she thought about the poster too. (lol) I should have also mentioned in the "list" entry that she is hard core type A. She admits it too.. It can be a little too much. I had more anxiety over that stupid thing then **** due to her mom's type A personality. I will have to post a picture of it once we get it back home.
Anyways, I sat in the classroom waiting and waitng for **** to get up and do her little presentation. As I was listening to the other presentations, one of the other teachers that works in her classroom came up to me and asked about my cat.. ****told this teacher that i had a pet cat. I politely replied by telilng him that i didn't have a cat. I started to wonder about all the other "stories" she has told about me to him. OH well.. I must be the cat lady to her...
Later on that day, i found myself in ****'s class watching her classmate's class presentations on their service projects. **** decided to go grocery shopping for an elderly man in their neighborhood. (Pat on my back.. That was my idea..) We did, or I should say, I did a poster for this presentaion. And it kicked ass! She actually did a good portion but it was like pulling teeth to do what we did. I think she would have gone to school unprepared if I hadn't cracked the whip on tuesday night. IT would have been my fault too (ie her mom) if it wasn't done by the time I had left that evening. *Gee, this reminds me of the whole "list" issue.* I was actually pretty nervous on what she thought about the poster too. (lol) I should have also mentioned in the "list" entry that she is hard core type A. She admits it too.. It can be a little too much. I had more anxiety over that stupid thing then **** due to her mom's type A personality. I will have to post a picture of it once we get it back home.
Anyways, I sat in the classroom waiting and waitng for **** to get up and do her little presentation. As I was listening to the other presentations, one of the other teachers that works in her classroom came up to me and asked about my cat.. ****told this teacher that i had a pet cat. I politely replied by telilng him that i didn't have a cat. I started to wonder about all the other "stories" she has told about me to him. OH well.. I must be the cat lady to her...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Go Reds
I found myself waking up early to watch Korea play in the world cup. As I was laying on the couch i was reminiscing to myself about the last world cup.. Yes indeed folks I missed the cup in Seoul by two weeks. By the time I got there, people were still celebrating by heavy intoxication and those "Be the Red" t-shirts were the hottest commodities to buy on the street. (I bought myself and brother one.) I should have worn it this morning to help cheer on the team. Instead i was in my pajamas with the look of death.. (I am pretty sexy first thing in the morning..) Thanks****** for making the java this morning. I not only watched the game but got a lot of needed administrative work accomplished.
Anyways, besides the world cup excitement I am trying to find a baby shower gift for a close friend of mine. To be completely honest, i am perplexed on what to get her. she has already had two showers and going on her third and fourth showers this weekend and next weekend. Her units have bought her quite a bit of baby "ness." YEs, indeed the typical baby outfit would be practical but I can't do it. So my wheels are starting to turn because I need it before saturday. I may just stick to one of her initial items on one of her three registries. Who knows.... it will come to me....The sad thing, I am going to end up doing this last minute.......
Anyways, besides the world cup excitement I am trying to find a baby shower gift for a close friend of mine. To be completely honest, i am perplexed on what to get her. she has already had two showers and going on her third and fourth showers this weekend and next weekend. Her units have bought her quite a bit of baby "ness." YEs, indeed the typical baby outfit would be practical but I can't do it. So my wheels are starting to turn because I need it before saturday. I may just stick to one of her initial items on one of her three registries. Who knows.... it will come to me....The sad thing, I am going to end up doing this last minute.......
Friday, June 09, 2006
The List...

My little cuties..
I found myself on the phone two weeks ago ready to drop kick it out my car window. My client was on the other end expressing her "frustration" to me over the damn lists that she makes for me on occasion. I should explain to everyone about these lists that are made for me. When she runs out the door to escape from "reality" they are usually left on the island in the kitchen. The notes are scribbled on the college ruled notebook that has her therapy notes on the other pages. The notes start in the normal chipper mood....."Hi Tess! I hope you are having a good day. I am off running errands and I need you to PLEase do few thngs for me around the house.........Thanks(heart) ***" She will usually list a number of unusual chores that needs to be done as soon as possible. Some are the usual laundry folding and dish excitement. Some other times I find myself vacuuming the front and back patios, reorganizing her closet or cleaning it, vacuuming the clean hard wood floors, or doing returns at stores. It ranges from day to day but I think the most odd job would have to be vacuuming the front and back patios with the vacuum. Oh and yes, the rocks.. cleaning the rocks in the backyard....(i almost forgot to mention that.) I always find myself doing these things with a huge smile on my face and usually saying something rude and crude under my breath.
As I am driving toward their house, the jabbering words are coming out of her mouth from across the phone lines and they start to jumble all together because it really wasn't that intriguing. It was the adjective, "Frustrating" that caught my ears at full speed. She continued to express that she was irritated by the fact that her dishes and laundry weren't getting done effiecently. She used the example of the weekend before this conversation. (They were leaving for the weekend and the clothes weren't done in time for her. ) My time with the kids was less important because the dishes and laundry needed to get done asap before they left for the weekend. MInd you, doing these extra curriculars aren't really in my job description. I was a little upset because she doesn't realize how much I usually do for her on a regular basis. These things are minor to what i usually do on a regular basis. The pile of unfolded laundry or the load of clean dishes in the dishwasher can wait. I am there for the kids mostly and their well-being. It starts to become a little f***ed when the laundry and dishes are more of a priority than your own kids. I can understand that there are definite apropriate times during the day when things like this are acceptable. Obviously, there was a reason why I didn't get that list done. And I am always doing that shit for her. I really don't mind but when scoffing over something so little takes place, i start to go bananas! I find more out from the kids when i am there alone with them then when they are with their mom.
In the end, I apologized and told her that she was right and always will be right. I was a little snooty when i made that remark but I think she knew that it was a little weird that she was calling me out on her ridic. lists. I was a little upset over this phone conversation and was ready to rip her a new one. But I didn't. My patience must have prevailed this time around.
I must admit, I do LOVE my job. I don't want everyone to get the wrong idea. If I didn't like it I wouldn't be doing this. There have been times when I sit and scoff about these things. In all aspects. i do love my job.....
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
You big Bully!
This time of night i sit in my room with my window wide open and have this famliar smell of nicotine blowing into my room from the patio. My roommate goes outside for his ritualistic end of the day smoke. You know, it's one of those smells that I actually don't mind. Yes, folks I did indeed smoke in high school. In fact when I turned 16 that was my guilty pleasure. It was probably more for the whole socialization factor. I remember going to the store and buying a pack for me and my friend KB. She too was a bad ass and we would smoke together.. The marlboro lights were our favs.. and once in a while I would switch to American spirits. It wasn't until about two years ago that I would just do it socially. It never really was an addiction for me. I give my roommate a hard time for his little habit but I wonder if he knows of my own old habit.
Anyways, i have been in one of those moods tonight that i seem to can't rid. I have been scoffing all evening about everything and nothing in particular. I guess it was one of those days that I can't seem to shake off and need to becuase it's pretty much over with. I came to the realization that some parents just don't get things about their kids. And they will make excuses for them until something serious happens and thats when their ways will change. ( I guess that's a generalization, because that attitude will never change in some cases.) I found myself biting my tongue today because this person was obviously trying to make herself feel better for what the daugther did. Obviously, the daughter was in the wrong. She was bullying two girls on the playground and it wasn't acceptable. Schools take bullying very serious these days and it's hard not to look pass. The teacher had every right to go up this little girl and let her know it was not okay. The parent of the bullied child was correct in letting the teacher know about this. The parents of the bullies should have been notified right away and not kept in the dark. But on the other hand.. What role do these parent's actually pay in this child's school career? And maybe thats why the teacher felt as if they didn't need to be involved.........(just athought..)Oh we don't want to bruise our child's ego.. No-no, we can never do that. Let alone, call your child on a bullshit... We want them to talk to us when they are in the teen crisis years so let's just ignore the fact that a HUGE lie just took place. Why don't you try spending sometime with her and embrace who she is first. It makes me so mad that there are parents out there that actually believe in all of the psycho babble. I have read enough books on child pyschology to know child are more screwed up as a teen when they are treated like this now. The whole mentality of "i want an open relationship with my son or daughter" works only if you put some strict boundaries on it now and not when they need their love the most.
I guess your "Education" doesn't always match your parenting skills....
Anyways, i have been in one of those moods tonight that i seem to can't rid. I have been scoffing all evening about everything and nothing in particular. I guess it was one of those days that I can't seem to shake off and need to becuase it's pretty much over with. I came to the realization that some parents just don't get things about their kids. And they will make excuses for them until something serious happens and thats when their ways will change. ( I guess that's a generalization, because that attitude will never change in some cases.) I found myself biting my tongue today because this person was obviously trying to make herself feel better for what the daugther did. Obviously, the daughter was in the wrong. She was bullying two girls on the playground and it wasn't acceptable. Schools take bullying very serious these days and it's hard not to look pass. The teacher had every right to go up this little girl and let her know it was not okay. The parent of the bullied child was correct in letting the teacher know about this. The parents of the bullies should have been notified right away and not kept in the dark. But on the other hand.. What role do these parent's actually pay in this child's school career? And maybe thats why the teacher felt as if they didn't need to be involved.........(just athought..)Oh we don't want to bruise our child's ego.. No-no, we can never do that. Let alone, call your child on a bullshit... We want them to talk to us when they are in the teen crisis years so let's just ignore the fact that a HUGE lie just took place. Why don't you try spending sometime with her and embrace who she is first. It makes me so mad that there are parents out there that actually believe in all of the psycho babble. I have read enough books on child pyschology to know child are more screwed up as a teen when they are treated like this now. The whole mentality of "i want an open relationship with my son or daughter" works only if you put some strict boundaries on it now and not when they need their love the most.
I guess your "Education" doesn't always match your parenting skills....
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Uncle Bob
This evening I decided to stay at work and meet this infamous grandpa of theirs. I must say that what i am about to say was wine induced. (Okay, me the crazy woman with a glass of red wine in my hand while I decided to make a fool of myself.) I have heard so much about this man that I could probably give you the low down on him.(Obviously can't due to privacy.) A little rough around the edges(to say the least) but actually a pretty interesting man. Anyways, the kids don't seem much of him and they refer to him as Uncle instead of Granpda due to lack of him in their life. Well, **** and I joke around and call him Uncle Bob when the kids aren't around. Low and behold this evening after reminding myself not to call him Uncle Bob I decided to call him that. It ran out of my mouth like a ball of fire and before i knew it I had him looking at me in disbelief. I was rudely corrected by him with an evil glare and soon found myself in the kitchen rolling on the ground in utter amazement. I did have to laugh at my diarrhea of the mouth. It was one of those times where my face was completely red. (I know I was already sporting the asian flush.. but it was even hotter.) And there was no way around it but to apologize. I covered it up by saying I meant to say Grandpa and for some reason Uncle came to my mouth instead. There was a quick spout of unwanted akwardness but it soon disapeared after another glass of wine. I spent the rest of the night making sure I called him Grandpa.........
Thursday, May 11, 2006
My Own Nanny Diaries Continued........
Quote of the day... "I don't want to pay that $3.00 for mom's gift. I want that mermaid instead. Why can't there be a son's day?"
I have to admit, I played hookey from work today. Good reasoning though.. I have been fighting this disgusting cough that has turned into something else on it's own. I was advised on Tuesday to lay low but went against it because after taking loads of cold medicine and drinking some oolong tea I felt well enough to venture to my daily grill. Yesterday, i was advised to take sometime off again and decided to take the same course of action from the day before and literally probably ran myself into the ground. I am embarrassed to say that I played my soccer game last night but found myself hacking up a lung the rest of the night. After the game I went to dinner with a couple of friends and soothed my lungs with some tea. It helped a bit..As the night lingered on my cough got worse.
Today with good reasoning I stayed home and took a rest. I gotta admit it's hard to lounge on lawn chairs in my living room and watch televison..(*** we must get a couch soon.. I know of a really good place to get one..) so I have resorted to my bedroom where I am watching the second season of Doogie Howser. The cable thing in my room is not yet resolved... So all that works is my dvd player. My sister has some of the better dvds in my collection so i decided to re-live the second season of Doogie Howser. What a dreamboat.. Well maybe 10 years ago i would have thought so...
Because of me staying home, my worries start to stream in again in regards to me being home. Yikes, the realization that I have left for a full day and I am sure things are about to go to the shits. Yes, folks thats right.. I am more worried about being away from the kids for one day than my own welfare. Pretty scary. It's thursday and I know we have a list of items that needs to be taken care of before the frightful weekend. Today i was supposed to take the kids to go mother's day shopping.. It should be nanny's day on sunday in some cases. **** and I got something yesterday for his mom but he about shit bricks when i told him that he had to pay me back. I told him that she wasn't my mom and we have to start to think about our mom for once and not ourselves....**** on the other hand wants to buy her mom a build a bear.. But I think I know her motives too well. I am sure that her and **** will take it over after sunday comes around.
Besides mother's day **** has some deliquent homework from last week that I failed to make sure it was done and turned in on friday. She did pretty much the rest of her homework for the week except for that frightful spelling homework. We got a note home yesterday that she is behind on her keys to reading.. Mind you I have left that up to her parents to deal with since the begining of the year because that was something they could do as a family. Now it's my turn to turn up the heat and watch make sure that this is taken care of before the third week in june.
And yes the dreadful haircut situation. Their mom has been talking about getting their haircut this week. Truthfully, it takes me to actually make sure its gets done. There is usually whining and crying from the peanut gallery when their mom tries to take them in along with a bribe. These kids really have a hold on them... **** is the only one that whines and cries and eventually has to get some kind of materalistic item that I will undoubtly step on or have to find in his dreadful mess of misplacing things. I gotta admit, she does give in way too much and needs to hold her ground more. So instead I just take them for their haircut without telling them where we are going. No matter what they have to get out of the car. Weird pyschology thing.. It works though with ****. On the other hand **** is in the car kicking and screaming and usually making a huge scene. But once I drag his ass into this cute exspensive kids hair salon he immediately stops. Anyways, I keep on trying to tell their mom that bribing, etc can only go so far these days for a stinkin hair cut and I will not do it. So I must sadly say the **** will look like a rasta for one more day at school and **** will look like a hairy green monster for one more day.
I could probably sit and stress over all of this the rest of the day and into the night. I am in debate on whether or not I stay home for one more day. Probably not.. There is too much to do and it needs to get done. I just need to sit back and relax for a bit... Good advice.. I need to take it.. huh?
I am also in the midst of trying to talk to the bossman about my own compensation. He is not the easiset person to talk to. When he wants to say something to me I either hear it second hand from the mom or through RUDE notes that are left on the counter for me in the morning. I was jipped out a couple hundred dollars this past week and the last pay period another hundred or so. I am about to go bonkers here. I am determined to get paid that money and will do so by tomorrow.. Keep your fingers crossed folks. The bossman has been scoffing about his own compensation at his work I wonder if he knows I am feeling the same way but with him. *bleh..*
So my own nanny diaries must continue......
I have to admit, I played hookey from work today. Good reasoning though.. I have been fighting this disgusting cough that has turned into something else on it's own. I was advised on Tuesday to lay low but went against it because after taking loads of cold medicine and drinking some oolong tea I felt well enough to venture to my daily grill. Yesterday, i was advised to take sometime off again and decided to take the same course of action from the day before and literally probably ran myself into the ground. I am embarrassed to say that I played my soccer game last night but found myself hacking up a lung the rest of the night. After the game I went to dinner with a couple of friends and soothed my lungs with some tea. It helped a bit..As the night lingered on my cough got worse.
Today with good reasoning I stayed home and took a rest. I gotta admit it's hard to lounge on lawn chairs in my living room and watch televison..(*** we must get a couch soon.. I know of a really good place to get one..) so I have resorted to my bedroom where I am watching the second season of Doogie Howser. The cable thing in my room is not yet resolved... So all that works is my dvd player. My sister has some of the better dvds in my collection so i decided to re-live the second season of Doogie Howser. What a dreamboat.. Well maybe 10 years ago i would have thought so...
Because of me staying home, my worries start to stream in again in regards to me being home. Yikes, the realization that I have left for a full day and I am sure things are about to go to the shits. Yes, folks thats right.. I am more worried about being away from the kids for one day than my own welfare. Pretty scary. It's thursday and I know we have a list of items that needs to be taken care of before the frightful weekend. Today i was supposed to take the kids to go mother's day shopping.. It should be nanny's day on sunday in some cases. **** and I got something yesterday for his mom but he about shit bricks when i told him that he had to pay me back. I told him that she wasn't my mom and we have to start to think about our mom for once and not ourselves....**** on the other hand wants to buy her mom a build a bear.. But I think I know her motives too well. I am sure that her and **** will take it over after sunday comes around.
Besides mother's day **** has some deliquent homework from last week that I failed to make sure it was done and turned in on friday. She did pretty much the rest of her homework for the week except for that frightful spelling homework. We got a note home yesterday that she is behind on her keys to reading.. Mind you I have left that up to her parents to deal with since the begining of the year because that was something they could do as a family. Now it's my turn to turn up the heat and watch make sure that this is taken care of before the third week in june.
And yes the dreadful haircut situation. Their mom has been talking about getting their haircut this week. Truthfully, it takes me to actually make sure its gets done. There is usually whining and crying from the peanut gallery when their mom tries to take them in along with a bribe. These kids really have a hold on them... **** is the only one that whines and cries and eventually has to get some kind of materalistic item that I will undoubtly step on or have to find in his dreadful mess of misplacing things. I gotta admit, she does give in way too much and needs to hold her ground more. So instead I just take them for their haircut without telling them where we are going. No matter what they have to get out of the car. Weird pyschology thing.. It works though with ****. On the other hand **** is in the car kicking and screaming and usually making a huge scene. But once I drag his ass into this cute exspensive kids hair salon he immediately stops. Anyways, I keep on trying to tell their mom that bribing, etc can only go so far these days for a stinkin hair cut and I will not do it. So I must sadly say the **** will look like a rasta for one more day at school and **** will look like a hairy green monster for one more day.
I could probably sit and stress over all of this the rest of the day and into the night. I am in debate on whether or not I stay home for one more day. Probably not.. There is too much to do and it needs to get done. I just need to sit back and relax for a bit... Good advice.. I need to take it.. huh?
I am also in the midst of trying to talk to the bossman about my own compensation. He is not the easiset person to talk to. When he wants to say something to me I either hear it second hand from the mom or through RUDE notes that are left on the counter for me in the morning. I was jipped out a couple hundred dollars this past week and the last pay period another hundred or so. I am about to go bonkers here. I am determined to get paid that money and will do so by tomorrow.. Keep your fingers crossed folks. The bossman has been scoffing about his own compensation at his work I wonder if he knows I am feeling the same way but with him. *bleh..*
So my own nanny diaries must continue......
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tree war.
It has been a week or two since my last entry and I will try to sit and type something here.
The past three weeks there has been this ongoing project at work. We have been working out in this amazing yard. I say we(me and my client.) I know it's not part of my job description but I do enjoy working in the yard immensly. I found myself last week helping **** transplanting two large ass trees from one end of the yard to the other. We first started with his apple tree and started to dig. We dug and dug for a good 30 minutes to come to find out that the roots were underneath this fence. We stopped and covered the hole back up for later and decided to wait to ask the gardner lady about it.
The other tree was intense too. If you can picture me in my flip flops with **** digging this hole with sweat dripping down our faces and then carrying it to another side of the yard looking like complete fools.. We did manage to keep this tree alive after the big transplant.
On the other hand I came into work yesterday to find that the apple tree was moved over the weekend. THe bossman decided to take it upon himself to do it on his own. It was more of a competitive issue with him than anything. He could hardly believe that **** and I had moved this bad boy ourselves. And I guess it took a bit of convincing for him to believe that we did that. Now looking at this poor pathetic looking apple tree I don't think it's going to make it after the big move. It kinda leans over and all the leaves look dead. It will be a true miracle for it to stay alive. If he had waited for us, then the tree would be still alive. It really needed3-4 people for the move but I think his head got to be big.
So in the next few weeks, I will probably be helping with planting a new apple tree. That one will go bye-bye silently and the new one will be put in without a trace. This apple tree belongs to my little ****. It was given to them as a gift when she was born. **** still thinks it's alive. So hopefully we can exchange it without her realizing..... I dunno though..The moral of this story folks, is to not let your head get big over a stupid apple tree because something will have to be replaced.
The past three weeks there has been this ongoing project at work. We have been working out in this amazing yard. I say we(me and my client.) I know it's not part of my job description but I do enjoy working in the yard immensly. I found myself last week helping **** transplanting two large ass trees from one end of the yard to the other. We first started with his apple tree and started to dig. We dug and dug for a good 30 minutes to come to find out that the roots were underneath this fence. We stopped and covered the hole back up for later and decided to wait to ask the gardner lady about it.
The other tree was intense too. If you can picture me in my flip flops with **** digging this hole with sweat dripping down our faces and then carrying it to another side of the yard looking like complete fools.. We did manage to keep this tree alive after the big transplant.
On the other hand I came into work yesterday to find that the apple tree was moved over the weekend. THe bossman decided to take it upon himself to do it on his own. It was more of a competitive issue with him than anything. He could hardly believe that **** and I had moved this bad boy ourselves. And I guess it took a bit of convincing for him to believe that we did that. Now looking at this poor pathetic looking apple tree I don't think it's going to make it after the big move. It kinda leans over and all the leaves look dead. It will be a true miracle for it to stay alive. If he had waited for us, then the tree would be still alive. It really needed3-4 people for the move but I think his head got to be big.
So in the next few weeks, I will probably be helping with planting a new apple tree. That one will go bye-bye silently and the new one will be put in without a trace. This apple tree belongs to my little ****. It was given to them as a gift when she was born. **** still thinks it's alive. So hopefully we can exchange it without her realizing..... I dunno though..The moral of this story folks, is to not let your head get big over a stupid apple tree because something will have to be replaced.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Punching Paper
Quote of the day....
"My mom said that we better learn how to swim before we get married so we can save eachother in the water."
Here are a few thoughts that I will expand on later when there is more time...
*Started up playing soccer again on Wednesdays...
*I went to the gun range last week. It was pretty exhilarating..
* ****'s project has turned into mine. I know, it's my fault... I should just let her fail if she doesn't want to do it.
* Those big ass water jugs and good snacks..
*I gotta make a decision soon... May 1st...
*Netflix is great...
*LLbean nerd. You know i am from seattle when i ordered another fleece. For some reason i was compelled to buy another cheap one..
*Trip?! Yes indeed..
*Grey goose and oj is a must have for this weekend...
I will expand later on some of these when i have more time...
"My mom said that we better learn how to swim before we get married so we can save eachother in the water."
Here are a few thoughts that I will expand on later when there is more time...
*Started up playing soccer again on Wednesdays...
*I went to the gun range last week. It was pretty exhilarating..
* ****'s project has turned into mine. I know, it's my fault... I should just let her fail if she doesn't want to do it.
* Those big ass water jugs and good snacks..
*I gotta make a decision soon... May 1st...
*Netflix is great...
*LLbean nerd. You know i am from seattle when i ordered another fleece. For some reason i was compelled to buy another cheap one..
*Trip?! Yes indeed..
*Grey goose and oj is a must have for this weekend...
I will expand later on some of these when i have more time...
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Miss Manners
It occurred to me a few days ago while out eating lunch in seattle that some people have the most awful table manners. I will have to expand in a later entry on other types of manners because I have seen and heard it all these days.
Those days of being poked or stabbed in the arm with a fork at the dinner table for chewing with my out open or putting my elbows on the table really paid off for me. I too can eat and drink like a normal human being and not be brutally embarrassed.
The more I think about this topic I remember an instance that happened not too long ago. I was out at an upscale restaurant with some people. It was definitely one of those places that you really had to be on your best behavior. And those past years of being nagged to be your "best" truly starts to talk to you.
Anyways, as we are sitting down *** is slouched down in the chair as if he was going for a drive in his ride. As he is doing this he is chewing obnoxiously on his gum and shaking the ice around in his water glass. At one point, the waiter asks *** if he is going to order something. (This happens a few more times during the course of the evening.) *** responds by saying, "No man I'm good." And then continues to go smackdown on the gum in his mouth. At one point SR asks him to spit the gum out of his mouth. In the back of my mind, I was cheering for her because it was getting to be ridiculous. The food soon arrives and my $30 dish starts to melt in my mouth slowly because I truly wanted to savor my halibut. During the course of this meal small tidbits of conversations were occurring between me, *****, and *******. *** would give his two sense once in the blue moon. While this was going down, *** was leaning over her plate and going at it with the meal. It was as if *** was belly up at the local trough getting the fill of slop as fast as she could before it was taken away. At one moment I look over and there was food on her plate and then minutes later it was gone. I shake my head in disbelief and wonder why I am so disgusted with these manners being displayed in front of me. After I had left that night I started to objectively think about what had happened earlier at dinner. There were a few things that I had put into consideration and just decided to obviously let it go.
So a few weeks later after this experience, I started to get even more annoyed about people's table manners in general. I have been constantly teaching my little **** and **** these things because it needs to be enforced for them. They are young enough that things can be turned around. I was out for lunch a few days ago in Seattle and I look over at a table and this 12 year old girl is eating as if she was bellied up at the trough. My glance then goes to her mother and her table manners where actually pretty good. I don't understand why this little girl wasn't taught those manners. Her mom must think that it's not ness.. to instill those things into her daughter.
I know watching this little girl eat like an animal was rude too but it was one of those moments where I started to look around and check out other people's eating habits. It made me realize that not a lot of people were ever taught table etiquette. Those times like a few weeks ago makes me want to speak my mind. But of course it would be rash and rude of me to do so..................................
Those days of being poked or stabbed in the arm with a fork at the dinner table for chewing with my out open or putting my elbows on the table really paid off for me. I too can eat and drink like a normal human being and not be brutally embarrassed.
The more I think about this topic I remember an instance that happened not too long ago. I was out at an upscale restaurant with some people. It was definitely one of those places that you really had to be on your best behavior. And those past years of being nagged to be your "best" truly starts to talk to you.
Anyways, as we are sitting down *** is slouched down in the chair as if he was going for a drive in his ride. As he is doing this he is chewing obnoxiously on his gum and shaking the ice around in his water glass. At one point, the waiter asks *** if he is going to order something. (This happens a few more times during the course of the evening.) *** responds by saying, "No man I'm good." And then continues to go smackdown on the gum in his mouth. At one point SR asks him to spit the gum out of his mouth. In the back of my mind, I was cheering for her because it was getting to be ridiculous. The food soon arrives and my $30 dish starts to melt in my mouth slowly because I truly wanted to savor my halibut. During the course of this meal small tidbits of conversations were occurring between me, *****, and *******. *** would give his two sense once in the blue moon. While this was going down, *** was leaning over her plate and going at it with the meal. It was as if *** was belly up at the local trough getting the fill of slop as fast as she could before it was taken away. At one moment I look over and there was food on her plate and then minutes later it was gone. I shake my head in disbelief and wonder why I am so disgusted with these manners being displayed in front of me. After I had left that night I started to objectively think about what had happened earlier at dinner. There were a few things that I had put into consideration and just decided to obviously let it go.
So a few weeks later after this experience, I started to get even more annoyed about people's table manners in general. I have been constantly teaching my little **** and **** these things because it needs to be enforced for them. They are young enough that things can be turned around. I was out for lunch a few days ago in Seattle and I look over at a table and this 12 year old girl is eating as if she was bellied up at the trough. My glance then goes to her mother and her table manners where actually pretty good. I don't understand why this little girl wasn't taught those manners. Her mom must think that it's not ness.. to instill those things into her daughter.
I know watching this little girl eat like an animal was rude too but it was one of those moments where I started to look around and check out other people's eating habits. It made me realize that not a lot of people were ever taught table etiquette. Those times like a few weeks ago makes me want to speak my mind. But of course it would be rash and rude of me to do so..................................
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Broke Back Cowboy..

I just got done watching Broke Back Mountain with a couple of my friends. It wasn't what i was expecting... I thought it was going to end like Romeo and Juliet. In the long run, I did enjoy the movie and do reccomend it to anyone who has not seen it yet. It's pretty intense and makes you think about the deeper picture of things. I am sure my interpretation of this movie is probably a lot different than my other two friends.
Anyways, as promised I took a couple of pictures. Well-not really. They were taken by other people. There is just a couple to share right now. Sunday, was sushi night and it turned out well and saturday I ended up going to this place in bellevue with a few friends and enjoyed it. The drinks were actually good and I introduced Kay to a jagar bomb. I still have the touch, with these bad boys. It has been a while since I did one of these but it made me realize that i was teaching a virgin jager bomber how to do one. I impressed the others around me including the bartender.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
I know that i mentioned in my last post that pictures would be up but no cigar. I apologize for that last post. It was more me drinking red wine that inspired me to write that most riveting post. ( I will put some pics up from the weekend here next week sometime.)
Last night, I went out and had a drink at "Rendezvou" in Belltown.(Hence the title of this post.) It was alright to say the least and I found myself wanting to be home in my jam jams and drinking some of my own suds. It was nice once we got home and I actually was able to get comfortable and drink a bit more. I finally put myself to bed being a bit tipsy. I needed to relax a bit so it was really nice drink a bit.
On thursday and fridays, I watch a 2 year old in the mornings and I am constantly trying to find fun things to do because there is only so much Thomas the Tank Engine I can play in a 5 hour period. They have passes to the zoo, aquarium and some of the musuems here in seattle. But it never fails when I walk up to the counter and I have to pull out some kind of I. D. when I flash the pasa the zoo because I don't look like a ********. ( I have to blurb out their name due to privacy. ) Or I have to sit and plead with the cashier to let us in because I am the nanny for this family.
During one of my deep contemplations at the park later on that day, I was thinking about how people get confused with my own name. I don't look like I would be a Teresa Betts but instead i look more like a Park Ji-In. There have been so many times when teachers or receptionists at the doctors have looked for a "Teresa Betts." And when I finally decide to speak up the look on their faces are pretty classic. I have seen some where they try to play it off a bit then try to make conversation like nothing is the matter.
So when I have to go through the whole intense conversation of who I am with these people at the zoo or the aquarium it's nothing new to me.
Last night, I went out and had a drink at "Rendezvou" in Belltown.(Hence the title of this post.) It was alright to say the least and I found myself wanting to be home in my jam jams and drinking some of my own suds. It was nice once we got home and I actually was able to get comfortable and drink a bit more. I finally put myself to bed being a bit tipsy. I needed to relax a bit so it was really nice drink a bit.
On thursday and fridays, I watch a 2 year old in the mornings and I am constantly trying to find fun things to do because there is only so much Thomas the Tank Engine I can play in a 5 hour period. They have passes to the zoo, aquarium and some of the musuems here in seattle. But it never fails when I walk up to the counter and I have to pull out some kind of I. D. when I flash the pasa the zoo because I don't look like a ********. ( I have to blurb out their name due to privacy. ) Or I have to sit and plead with the cashier to let us in because I am the nanny for this family.
During one of my deep contemplations at the park later on that day, I was thinking about how people get confused with my own name. I don't look like I would be a Teresa Betts but instead i look more like a Park Ji-In. There have been so many times when teachers or receptionists at the doctors have looked for a "Teresa Betts." And when I finally decide to speak up the look on their faces are pretty classic. I have seen some where they try to play it off a bit then try to make conversation like nothing is the matter.
So when I have to go through the whole intense conversation of who I am with these people at the zoo or the aquarium it's nothing new to me.
Friday, March 31, 2006
The Red Truck is just making my night...
I just looked at the clock and it's super late for me since I have to be up in just a few hours.. Nice huh? At this point, my wine head ache is making me wanting to pop open another bottle but if I do that then I will never get my ass out of bed. (*Sigh*) I got onto the computer because I was procrasinating from putting the rest of my bed together. i went on this mad cleaning spree earlier this evening and found soon found myself on my hands and knees scrubbing the bathroom and kitchen floors. A little too obsessive- I know. The kitchen floor is sparkling clean and we could probably eat off of it.
Now, my ass should head to bed here.. Probably not. I must take something for this killer headache. It's probably better that I have this head ache now instead of during the day.
More to follow as I will add some pictures from the weekend. My plan is to take more pictures.. My camera just sits still and it's good capture those moments out and about.
Now, my ass should head to bed here.. Probably not. I must take something for this killer headache. It's probably better that I have this head ache now instead of during the day.
More to follow as I will add some pictures from the weekend. My plan is to take more pictures.. My camera just sits still and it's good capture those moments out and about.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Lice epidemic..
The title of this must explain my irrational post on lice. First, I must point out that yours truly does not have lice but have washed with the shampoo and took all the crazy ass precautions. (The lice shampoo actually smells alright, with a tinge of freshness..) But you definitely get some dirty -uncomfortable looks at the store while purchasing all the "must-haves" at the counter.
All this to say, I am alive to tell you all about it. So the cousins of my charges got lice from school. Actually, ******* got it at school and it took over half of her class along with the teacher. ****** spent a few days with us because she loves playing with her **** and just can't get enough of him.. (Who wouldn't?) She even spent the night on saturday night and had a grand ole time. I get a call yesterday after coming home from picking **** up at school and was told that there was lice.
Since she spent the night and hung out with us that entire time, I went into "lice" mode and took upon myself to do what every nanny must do.. I first made a call to ****'s teacher and told her about and asked her to write a letter out to the families in his class. ****had his birthday party on sunday with some of his classmates. (****** was there too along with her sibs..) It was like pulling teeth to get this teacher to get a letter sent out. After that obnoxious call we headed to target and rite aid to get the lice shampoo. As mentioned earlier, the sales clerks treat you like you have the plague. It's pretty funny to watch this happen. To get dirtier looks I flung my hair around a bit..
We headed home and started on a mad dash to change all of the beds, clean all of the blankets on the beds, vacuum the couches and rugs, sprayed this "lice" spray on all the matresses and pillows, and then did the lice treatment on the kid's hair..I never told you if my kids had lice. Well, **** didn't have it.. I actually took him on Monday to get his hair trimmed and the hair dresser didn't suspect it. On the other hand **** had a few eggs in her hair. I was a little shocked and proceeded to wash and comb her hair. The combing part is a long tedious process that you must have tons of patience. Every section of the head must be combed carefully and looked at.
At the end of the day my mad rush to get this done was coming to a close. Now, everything is fresh and the smell of the shampoo and cleaner illuminates the air.
All this to say, I am alive to tell you all about it. So the cousins of my charges got lice from school. Actually, ******* got it at school and it took over half of her class along with the teacher. ****** spent a few days with us because she loves playing with her **** and just can't get enough of him.. (Who wouldn't?) She even spent the night on saturday night and had a grand ole time. I get a call yesterday after coming home from picking **** up at school and was told that there was lice.
Since she spent the night and hung out with us that entire time, I went into "lice" mode and took upon myself to do what every nanny must do.. I first made a call to ****'s teacher and told her about and asked her to write a letter out to the families in his class. ****had his birthday party on sunday with some of his classmates. (****** was there too along with her sibs..) It was like pulling teeth to get this teacher to get a letter sent out. After that obnoxious call we headed to target and rite aid to get the lice shampoo. As mentioned earlier, the sales clerks treat you like you have the plague. It's pretty funny to watch this happen. To get dirtier looks I flung my hair around a bit..
We headed home and started on a mad dash to change all of the beds, clean all of the blankets on the beds, vacuum the couches and rugs, sprayed this "lice" spray on all the matresses and pillows, and then did the lice treatment on the kid's hair..I never told you if my kids had lice. Well, **** didn't have it.. I actually took him on Monday to get his hair trimmed and the hair dresser didn't suspect it. On the other hand **** had a few eggs in her hair. I was a little shocked and proceeded to wash and comb her hair. The combing part is a long tedious process that you must have tons of patience. Every section of the head must be combed carefully and looked at.
At the end of the day my mad rush to get this done was coming to a close. Now, everything is fresh and the smell of the shampoo and cleaner illuminates the air.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Drunk man on board
I have decided to start using blogger and xanga so if you want to catch me on either one-you can... There will be the same exact posts but in different blog sites.. I know, extremely ridiculous but it's me -Tess B***s and complication is the name of my game.
Last wednesday was an evening of drunken bliss for some and others an almost trip down to the drunk tank. It wasn't me who was almost sent to the drunk tank for the night... Throwing a chair and punching in a sign causes the po-pos to show up and yell at a anxiety driven drunken man. The cop was a total asshole but I am sure he was used to dealing with drunk frat boys damaging public property. I come to find out that this person broke his wrist from punching the sign. I wish I had seen that happen but I am sure it was pretty isane.
I figured out that night too that cheap vodka does me in dirty whether I am sober or drunk. It was $2.00 well night and it was a great time for screwdrivers(orange juice and vodka) That's why I stay with the "exspensive" vodka.(lol)Damn they were good..
Watching this person go through this brought me back a few years ago and I too had an almost arrest. Yes, it was pure stupidity and I pretty much got out of the arrest because i looked pretty innocent(aka my "Asian" looks.)My spit-fire remarks helped as well too..
I will not explain in detail why this almost happened here because it maybe inapropriate for some of my readers to read. Lets just put it this way, I learned my lesson that night......
Last wednesday was an evening of drunken bliss for some and others an almost trip down to the drunk tank. It wasn't me who was almost sent to the drunk tank for the night... Throwing a chair and punching in a sign causes the po-pos to show up and yell at a anxiety driven drunken man. The cop was a total asshole but I am sure he was used to dealing with drunk frat boys damaging public property. I come to find out that this person broke his wrist from punching the sign. I wish I had seen that happen but I am sure it was pretty isane.
I figured out that night too that cheap vodka does me in dirty whether I am sober or drunk. It was $2.00 well night and it was a great time for screwdrivers(orange juice and vodka) That's why I stay with the "exspensive" vodka.(lol)Damn they were good..
Watching this person go through this brought me back a few years ago and I too had an almost arrest. Yes, it was pure stupidity and I pretty much got out of the arrest because i looked pretty innocent(aka my "Asian" looks.)My spit-fire remarks helped as well too..
I will not explain in detail why this almost happened here because it maybe inapropriate for some of my readers to read. Lets just put it this way, I learned my lesson that night......
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