Thursday, September 27, 2007

late night..

I sit here on my couch feeling this alien move inside me.. Of course It's late and I sit here wondering if baby will ever go to sleep. Yes, I get bouts of insomnia and usually have to pay for it the next day. Oh well.. Instead i sit and look at the many websites dedicated to having a baby etc.. and realize that it's just way too intense. yes, I do have to admit, some are really helpful and others are just crap.. I do like one that actually will send me weekly updates on my pregnancy.. It's great because for a while I would jump the gun and add more weeks to my pregnancy than i really was.. ha. So now i look at that on a weekly basis and start to wonder what baby must look like inside of me.. There are a ton of other ones and you too can look at all of them.. i was going to upload a few latest prego pics but seem to be uploading them sideways.. oh well..

P.S. that little girl I wrote about passed away last friday. She was one amazing little girl..

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Ummm Breastfeeding?

Okay. okay.. i laugh because we went to the doctor almost a week ago and everything seems to be doing fine. Baby and I are on track and we were informed that we could deliver in 14 weeks.. Yikes. I know..A little scary for me and Dc..Baby is still not wanting to reveal.. So we will wait.. and wait.. wait.. I told Dc that this baby comes from us so it's not going to let it be too easy for the two of us.
We started this 8 week birthing class with 7 other couples and seem to be one of the younger ones there.. Well. maybe not.. Looks can be decieving.. "They all look familiar," as DC puts it. I had to inform him too that the couple sitting to the left of us last night goes to the same OBGYN as us. The wife and I seem to be running to the bathroom at the doctor's office once in a while. But they are a month ahead of us.. The class started last week and jumped right into newborn care and breastfeeding. To Dc, the whole breastfeeding thing seemed a little daunting. Yes.. I guess it would be for me if i was a male. This week continued on that topic and geared us toward the next 6 weeks of labor and delivery and just pain management techniques..It was rather intense to sit and watch a 25 minute video on how to breast feed but I think we both got something out of it. I had to pin my eyes open at one point because I was starting to fall asleep plus the room was HOT. I think i may have to speak up next week if it continues to be hot.. Plus the amount of womenly pregnancy stench welcomed my noise hairs as I walked back in from a bathroom visit during the class. As we were practicing the breast feeding technique with our baby dolls DC was demonstrating for me already.. lol. For some reason, practicing with a doll didn't cut it for me.. The baby was too lite.. I think. it was just odd feeling.
The other couples seemed to be enjoying the class too. There are definite different personalities in the class that adds a certain flare to it.. It's nice and will keep the two of us on our toes.

FYI.. AGB, I know you are concerned with certain topics I publish on this blog.. But I think if you are pregnant it can be difficult for some to talk about things. It's an experience that will change your view points on certain things.. YEs, talking about my extra stench or body hair is a little intense but you also have to remember there are thousands of other women who are going through the same thing.. And they too talk about these things with their girlfriends, doctor, etc..