I was deep in thought the other day while coming home from work.. It was one of those mindless days where my mind starts to wander into nonsense. And it was one of those odd thoughts about me being an "Asian Hippie.." To be completely honest I haven't run into too many and would like to categorize myself under half hippie. (Not full because i can't bring myself to do that let alone the professional world wouldn't really accept that kind of stuff.. Below is a little part of an email that i was sending to a close friend of mine...
So i was in deep in thought last night on my way home from work and the realization of me starting to turn into this asian hippie cracks me up. For some odd reason lately, i feel as if the tables are turning on me.. lol.. I am finding that going commando from the waist down is really great and my armpit hair is the last thing that i worry about when I get into the shower. At this point you will not find me growing dreads and not showering for days on end and the whole anti-deordorant thing is so last year. Maybe because I am Asian and we don't tend to stink unless we are going through major puberty or we have consumed a ton of Kimchii. The last time I bought a stick of deordorant was last year and it still sits in my bathroom drawer.. Emergencies only...
Anyways, this thought hasn't left my mind because i find it rather amusing. Picture me, going total granola and wearing the earthy look.. Maybe I should find a pair of birkenstocks my size. It's a bit of a shame I couldn't sport that at work.. You are all probably wondering if it's at all possible for me to stick with this look and go for more of a look.. Well, besides the birkenstocks I would have to not only NOT pluck the brows... (God help that.. I will have to post a pic pre eyebrow waxing/plucking phase...) And let my hair grow into a major rat's nest. Meaning, no washing or brushing of any kind. I could go on forever but you get the picture here...........
Here's a picture for your enjoyment.......NO it's not of me with my hairy armpits showing...It was taken a few months ago.. I received this via email from a friend of mine.. IT made my morning...