Looking back at my last post i think I did it about two weeks ago because the realization that I am now in my 32nd week just occurred. Maybe those email updates in my inbox every week isn't enough for me to remember.. But although according to DC my memory hasn't been too with it.. There are other things on my mind.. Remembering about my last post was me complaining about those god awful cankles and drinking water like it's going out of style.. So if I start to ramble just bear with me...okay?
Birthing classes.. Those got over two weeks ago.. Was it an enjoyable experience? YEs. A lot of uncomfortable moments watching those birthing videos and hoping it won't be as bad with you. OR the instructor pretending to have a contraction but making it seem more "orgasmic" than an actual contraction.. It was more uncomfortable for the spouses than the actual moms.. We all knew.. We had an array of people in the class.. thank goodness.. All good and happy couples. Over half of the class live in the same vicinity as us. And only one couple delivered during our 8 week sessions.. The other question that people must be dying to know. Did we learn anything? Sure. Good breathing techniques..I think we are both ready.. Although a little practice wouldn't hurt.. I am a little worried that i may take it up a notch for DC. Sorry.. I will try not to break your fingers by squeezing your hands too hard.. Or throw a punch at your gut due to the amount of pain I will be in..
Boy or GIrl? You will have to ask me.. We do know. And have been thinking about names.. But just ask me.. I will be happy to tell you..
Current status.. As far as pregnancy goes.
WEll.. things are going okay.. I took a blood test about two weeks ago and was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. IT was something that was thrown out of left field.. Truly wasn't expecting it.. It's under control now.. I now take my blood sugar levels 4 times a day.. And had to change up my diet a little bit.. There are a lot of reasons why this happened....But the doctor isn't too sure.. My weight gain has been reasonable.. etc.. There are some other factors that are more scientific that i will explain some other time.. Blood pressure is great.. Thank goodness.. Was a little worried it would spike about this time..Baby is great.. Had an ultra sound two weeks ago.. It was amazing.. It was emotional.. Baby moves all of the time and kicks.. Baby will be the next super star soccer player in the family.. Sorry DC.. We may have to pay for soccer on top of the tae kwon do lessons.. As for me, things are fine besides the gestational diabetes. I am controlling it with diet so insulin is out of the question. YAY! I am laying low and preparing for baby.. I am truly excited. It's getting close..
Finally.. I must apologize to friends out there.. I am sorry i have not been around too much. these days it has been laying low along with putting my feet up.. Oh yes.. saving money for baby.. It's no longer me that i have to truly worry about.. There is another life coming into this world. And so I have been concentrating on DC, baby, and everything else that life has been pitching to me these days. In almost a month and a half I will have a baby attached to me permanently. But I will still be me.........In a soccer mom sense.. lol.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
30th week..
Quote of the day....
Grandma...."Well how can you tell if someone is old?" Little girl.."You can tell by how many cavities they have grandma."
I was sitting in front of a coffee shop in the downtown shopping district last weekend when I heard this exchange between a grandma and her granddaughter.
Yes, i am in my 3oth week of pregnancy.. Yikes.. Scary.. Getting close.. My third trimester has been like my first trimester.. I am tired.. all of the time.. Well, it doesnt' help lately with this darn Seattle weather. Anyways, people say to enjoy your second trimester.. It's true.. YOu feel like a normal woman.. (Somewhat..) And those horrible prego times from your first trimester suddenly reappear during your last trimester.. The cankles and swollen feet are just the tip of the iceburg.. I have learned to keep my feet up in the evening and drink water.. In case I haven't mentioned this.. Water is everything during pregnancy. It's good to be drinking a ton of water.. Also.. once in a while it's good to mix powerade or gatorade with water.. Your body may need some extra electrolites.. Thanks Auntie P for that great advice...
Grandma...."Well how can you tell if someone is old?" Little girl.."You can tell by how many cavities they have grandma."
I was sitting in front of a coffee shop in the downtown shopping district last weekend when I heard this exchange between a grandma and her granddaughter.
Yes, i am in my 3oth week of pregnancy.. Yikes.. Scary.. Getting close.. My third trimester has been like my first trimester.. I am tired.. all of the time.. Well, it doesnt' help lately with this darn Seattle weather. Anyways, people say to enjoy your second trimester.. It's true.. YOu feel like a normal woman.. (Somewhat..) And those horrible prego times from your first trimester suddenly reappear during your last trimester.. The cankles and swollen feet are just the tip of the iceburg.. I have learned to keep my feet up in the evening and drink water.. In case I haven't mentioned this.. Water is everything during pregnancy. It's good to be drinking a ton of water.. Also.. once in a while it's good to mix powerade or gatorade with water.. Your body may need some extra electrolites.. Thanks Auntie P for that great advice...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
late night..
I sit here on my couch feeling this alien move inside me.. Of course It's late and I sit here wondering if baby will ever go to sleep. Yes, I get bouts of insomnia and usually have to pay for it the next day. Oh well.. Instead i sit and look at the many websites dedicated to having a baby etc.. and realize that it's just way too intense. yes, I do have to admit, some are really helpful and others are just crap.. I do like one that actually will send me weekly updates on my pregnancy.. It's great because for a while I would jump the gun and add more weeks to my pregnancy than i really was.. ha. So now i look at that on a weekly basis and start to wonder what baby must look like inside of me.. www.babycenter.com There are a ton of other ones and you too can look at all of them.. i was going to upload a few latest prego pics but seem to be uploading them sideways.. oh well..
P.S. that little girl I wrote about passed away last friday. She was one amazing little girl..
P.S. that little girl I wrote about passed away last friday. She was one amazing little girl..
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Ummm Breastfeeding?
Okay. okay.. i laugh because we went to the doctor almost a week ago and everything seems to be doing fine. Baby and I are on track and we were informed that we could deliver in 14 weeks.. Yikes. I know..A little scary for me and Dc..Baby is still not wanting to reveal.. So we will wait.. and wait.. wait.. I told Dc that this baby comes from us so it's not going to let it be too easy for the two of us.
We started this 8 week birthing class with 7 other couples and seem to be one of the younger ones there.. Well. maybe not.. Looks can be decieving.. "They all look familiar," as DC puts it. I had to inform him too that the couple sitting to the left of us last night goes to the same OBGYN as us. The wife and I seem to be running to the bathroom at the doctor's office once in a while. But they are a month ahead of us.. The class started last week and jumped right into newborn care and breastfeeding. To Dc, the whole breastfeeding thing seemed a little daunting. Yes.. I guess it would be for me if i was a male. This week continued on that topic and geared us toward the next 6 weeks of labor and delivery and just pain management techniques..It was rather intense to sit and watch a 25 minute video on how to breast feed but I think we both got something out of it. I had to pin my eyes open at one point because I was starting to fall asleep plus the room was HOT. I think i may have to speak up next week if it continues to be hot.. Plus the amount of womenly pregnancy stench welcomed my noise hairs as I walked back in from a bathroom visit during the class. As we were practicing the breast feeding technique with our baby dolls DC was demonstrating for me already.. lol. For some reason, practicing with a doll didn't cut it for me.. The baby was too lite.. I think. it was just odd feeling.
The other couples seemed to be enjoying the class too. There are definite different personalities in the class that adds a certain flare to it.. It's nice and will keep the two of us on our toes.
FYI.. AGB, I know you are concerned with certain topics I publish on this blog.. But I think if you are pregnant it can be difficult for some to talk about things. It's an experience that will change your view points on certain things.. YEs, talking about my extra stench or body hair is a little intense but you also have to remember there are thousands of other women who are going through the same thing.. And they too talk about these things with their girlfriends, doctor, etc..
We started this 8 week birthing class with 7 other couples and seem to be one of the younger ones there.. Well. maybe not.. Looks can be decieving.. "They all look familiar," as DC puts it. I had to inform him too that the couple sitting to the left of us last night goes to the same OBGYN as us. The wife and I seem to be running to the bathroom at the doctor's office once in a while. But they are a month ahead of us.. The class started last week and jumped right into newborn care and breastfeeding. To Dc, the whole breastfeeding thing seemed a little daunting. Yes.. I guess it would be for me if i was a male. This week continued on that topic and geared us toward the next 6 weeks of labor and delivery and just pain management techniques..It was rather intense to sit and watch a 25 minute video on how to breast feed but I think we both got something out of it. I had to pin my eyes open at one point because I was starting to fall asleep plus the room was HOT. I think i may have to speak up next week if it continues to be hot.. Plus the amount of womenly pregnancy stench welcomed my noise hairs as I walked back in from a bathroom visit during the class. As we were practicing the breast feeding technique with our baby dolls DC was demonstrating for me already.. lol. For some reason, practicing with a doll didn't cut it for me.. The baby was too lite.. I think. it was just odd feeling.
The other couples seemed to be enjoying the class too. There are definite different personalities in the class that adds a certain flare to it.. It's nice and will keep the two of us on our toes.
FYI.. AGB, I know you are concerned with certain topics I publish on this blog.. But I think if you are pregnant it can be difficult for some to talk about things. It's an experience that will change your view points on certain things.. YEs, talking about my extra stench or body hair is a little intense but you also have to remember there are thousands of other women who are going through the same thing.. And they too talk about these things with their girlfriends, doctor, etc..
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A thought...
The big nine can wait for a moment. I would like to share this with people.. It makes me sad but it also reminds me how big faith can be in times like this..
I recently came across an article in the Seattle times about a little girl with cancer..Everytime i read this I start to either tear up or cry.. Anyways, the times reporter has been doing an ongoing blog about her and her family.. This blog is mighty powerful and it makes me want to share it. The reporter has gone through his own kind of change due to this mighty girl.
I hold her dear to my heart.
I recently came across an article in the Seattle times about a little girl with cancer..Everytime i read this I start to either tear up or cry.. Anyways, the times reporter has been doing an ongoing blog about her and her family.. This blog is mighty powerful and it makes me want to share it. The reporter has gone through his own kind of change due to this mighty girl.
I hold her dear to my heart.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I must be going through puberty again..
Most mothers and mothers to be all know that our bodies change in ways we didn't ever think they would.. I seem to be telling people that being pregnant is like going through puberty. There are bits and pieces of my puberty that I don't like to remember but it seems as my sister likes to share them with me from time to time.. And other things that i just don't remember.. ANd if i ask my mom about it, she'll usually reply by saying "There were three of you that went through it and I just don't remember..Lol.. She probably has blocked those crazy times out. I wouldn't blame her. I think between me and my other two sisters, we most likely put her through the ringer. Sorry mom and Dad..
A month ago during one of our visits to the doctor, i had to tell her about our laundry hamper experience. She usually asks us at the end of the visit if we have any questions or comments for her.. And most of the time we say no politely and thank her for asking..(sign of a good doctor..)On this occasion.. I blurted out.."Devin told me the other day that I stink.." I can't really describe the look she had on her face.. but it was mostly a "I am not going to laugh" look.. She replied by whispering.."....YOu mean B.O?" And then immediately we both started to laugh like young school girls and she replied again by saying, "body Odor." She had a huge grin on her face and just said that it's normal and a lot of prego women go through it." I told her the reason why I had to tell her that is because a few days prior to our visit with the doctor, me and Dc were talking about doing laundry.. He's pretty blunt when it comes to things.. but he came out and told me that i stunk and that my stench was taking over the entire hamper.. Lol.. At first, I wanted to Choke him for saying that.. And then I laughed..ANd he continued by telling me that he had to spray the hamper with febreeze because the smell was making him sick and ready to throw up..
I haven't heard that phrase, "You smell" since my puberty days.. And if I remember correctly, I said something really stupid to my mom and then started to cry when she told me that very same thing.. Now I confess to all of those non moms or moms to be that it's okay.. Having a new body odor is just the tip of the ice burg.. You must wait to see those other changes in your body...
Next post will continue about hair..
A month ago during one of our visits to the doctor, i had to tell her about our laundry hamper experience. She usually asks us at the end of the visit if we have any questions or comments for her.. And most of the time we say no politely and thank her for asking..(sign of a good doctor..)On this occasion.. I blurted out.."Devin told me the other day that I stink.." I can't really describe the look she had on her face.. but it was mostly a "I am not going to laugh" look.. She replied by whispering.."....YOu mean B.O?" And then immediately we both started to laugh like young school girls and she replied again by saying, "body Odor." She had a huge grin on her face and just said that it's normal and a lot of prego women go through it." I told her the reason why I had to tell her that is because a few days prior to our visit with the doctor, me and Dc were talking about doing laundry.. He's pretty blunt when it comes to things.. but he came out and told me that i stunk and that my stench was taking over the entire hamper.. Lol.. At first, I wanted to Choke him for saying that.. And then I laughed..ANd he continued by telling me that he had to spray the hamper with febreeze because the smell was making him sick and ready to throw up..
I haven't heard that phrase, "You smell" since my puberty days.. And if I remember correctly, I said something really stupid to my mom and then started to cry when she told me that very same thing.. Now I confess to all of those non moms or moms to be that it's okay.. Having a new body odor is just the tip of the ice burg.. You must wait to see those other changes in your body...
Next post will continue about hair..
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
baby baby baby

I must say that this picture was taken on friday... It was rather emotional to see my love and especially progress in size, etc. from the month prior... As far as the sex of our baby.. It's still not determined.. My love was crossing its' legs during the photo shoot and wouldn't budge.. Baby will let us know when she's ready.. (I say she..It's automatic for me.. It could be a boy..)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
That darn cup size...
Recently, I was out at a Maternity store in the village and came across a maternity bra. To my surprise it was on sale for $5.00.. Wow, especially in this upscale store $5.00.. It was pure excitement for about 4 seconds and then the size.. Well, thankfully the size was actually too big..My shopping went on looking at the other sale items hoping there was a pair of cheap maternity sevens or citizens that happen to be on sale..Instead I was paid with a visit by DC.. I think the whole prego looks is still setting in on him so I was surprised to see him walking in after me. He was supposed to be in Barnes and NOble reading about zombies taking over the earth.. He caught me in mid sentence with the sales lady. I was asking her about the whole bra sizing.. I am new to the whole after C cup look.. He interrupted our conversation by saying that he found a $5.oo bra on the sale rack.. I replied by saying it's too big for me. He didn't understand because two weekends before he was with me at the outlet mall buying a maternity bra. So he knew I was at least a D...To him there was no difference in D and double D. The lady politely said,"WEll the cup size might fit her it's too big around for her." He proceeded to tell me that we could pin it so it would fit.. And that we can't pass up this $5.00 deal.. Did i get that bra.. Um mmm.. no..
Thursday, July 26, 2007
IT's resting..
I have been instructed by the doctor to pretty much not do anything for the next week or so.. Or until she gives me the green light start up activity again.
As for now I go from bed to couch or couch to bed. It's nice.. but i am starting to get ants in my pants. It has only been a day and a half.. More to come later.
As for now I go from bed to couch or couch to bed. It's nice.. but i am starting to get ants in my pants. It has only been a day and a half.. More to come later.
Monday, July 23, 2007
And so it begins...
I know..It's been two months since my last post but I am back to put this beast back into circulation. So once again my feet are up and I begin typing in hopes my pregnancy induced carpal tunnel doesn't haunt me here...
Although the weather has been a bit warm it has actually cooled off for most people.. Instead of me going to bed with nearly nothing(Sorry for the mental picture) I am actually able to wear some kind of clothing.. Now, i have some kind of t-shirt with no blankets covering me but my honey is fully clothed and bundled up in blankets.. I am thankful that I will be prego in the fall and early winter.. Well, expect me to be the only one in flip flops, shorts and a tank on a cold November day.. The whole prego clothes is starting to really get to me. DOn't ask me why but it really has.. I find it useless for me to buy some suit pants that will fit me during this time, instead I am resorting to the palazoo pant look. Yes, auntie I have found myself sporting that. YOu would be quite proud. Amen to my past summer looks of comfy stretchy sporty skirts. Those my friends, have come in handy during these hot days. That spendy investment has actually paid off. Well, I will have to probably pay a visit back to "Title Nine" and "Lucy" once next summer arrives.. But hey.. I am glad i have those things now. My shirt selection is slowly starting to fade. I have some cute things but as I get thicker the shirts get smaller. Oh well. Those selected few are still being used.. And it makes me happy to know I have those for a little longer.
And today.. I paid a visit to a couple of baby stores and started to register. Well, my eagerness began about a month ago and I dragged DC with me to one of the bigger chains and registered.. We went back yesterday and added more to the list. I don't know what i was thinking during round one but I blame those lame impulse scans with the scan gun on my tiredness from the day. We decided to go at night after work.. So yesterday, I made sure I had a nap in the car and was ready to scan my way through town. Today was similar in the smaller store. I was by myself this time picking out cute bedding along with accessories that made me teary eyed.. GEESH. The crying game. another time for that. I was tempted to start buying.. but i stayed clear. I was on my soap box earlier in the day with DC telling him that we should save money and not impulse buy. I just knew if i came away with shopping bags, I would have felt a bit guilty...
well, the bathroom is calling me. This will continue later..
Although the weather has been a bit warm it has actually cooled off for most people.. Instead of me going to bed with nearly nothing(Sorry for the mental picture) I am actually able to wear some kind of clothing.. Now, i have some kind of t-shirt with no blankets covering me but my honey is fully clothed and bundled up in blankets.. I am thankful that I will be prego in the fall and early winter.. Well, expect me to be the only one in flip flops, shorts and a tank on a cold November day.. The whole prego clothes is starting to really get to me. DOn't ask me why but it really has.. I find it useless for me to buy some suit pants that will fit me during this time, instead I am resorting to the palazoo pant look. Yes, auntie I have found myself sporting that. YOu would be quite proud. Amen to my past summer looks of comfy stretchy sporty skirts. Those my friends, have come in handy during these hot days. That spendy investment has actually paid off. Well, I will have to probably pay a visit back to "Title Nine" and "Lucy" once next summer arrives.. But hey.. I am glad i have those things now. My shirt selection is slowly starting to fade. I have some cute things but as I get thicker the shirts get smaller. Oh well. Those selected few are still being used.. And it makes me happy to know I have those for a little longer.
And today.. I paid a visit to a couple of baby stores and started to register. Well, my eagerness began about a month ago and I dragged DC with me to one of the bigger chains and registered.. We went back yesterday and added more to the list. I don't know what i was thinking during round one but I blame those lame impulse scans with the scan gun on my tiredness from the day. We decided to go at night after work.. So yesterday, I made sure I had a nap in the car and was ready to scan my way through town. Today was similar in the smaller store. I was by myself this time picking out cute bedding along with accessories that made me teary eyed.. GEESH. The crying game. another time for that. I was tempted to start buying.. but i stayed clear. I was on my soap box earlier in the day with DC telling him that we should save money and not impulse buy. I just knew if i came away with shopping bags, I would have felt a bit guilty...
well, the bathroom is calling me. This will continue later..
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
THe Big Nine Begins..

NO, this post and continual blog has nothing to do with golf. Yes, folks thats right.. I am pregnant.. Currently, I am already starting to feel like a big house and my clothes no longer fit me correctly.. THere are many things that are rapidly changing on my body that I am slowly starting to be okay with. My belly. It's big-already..THe picture explains it all. ANd i sleep on my side these days due to the largeness of my belly.. The doctor thinks there is only one in there but is not 100% positive. SHe said some like to hide. So i will know for sure after next friday..
I told dad we could have a belly contest as I proceeded to stand next to him side ways comparing our bellies.. The flair of his nostrils and his eye brows started to move made me laugh even harder.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Azn HIppie Pride
I was deep in thought the other day while coming home from work.. It was one of those mindless days where my mind starts to wander into nonsense. And it was one of those odd thoughts about me being an "Asian Hippie.." To be completely honest I haven't run into too many and would like to categorize myself under half hippie. (Not full because i can't bring myself to do that let alone the professional world wouldn't really accept that kind of stuff.. Below is a little part of an email that i was sending to a close friend of mine...
So i was in deep in thought last night on my way home from work and the realization of me starting to turn into this asian hippie cracks me up. For some odd reason lately, i feel as if the tables are turning on me.. lol.. I am finding that going commando from the waist down is really great and my armpit hair is the last thing that i worry about when I get into the shower. At this point you will not find me growing dreads and not showering for days on end and the whole anti-deordorant thing is so last year. Maybe because I am Asian and we don't tend to stink unless we are going through major puberty or we have consumed a ton of Kimchii. The last time I bought a stick of deordorant was last year and it still sits in my bathroom drawer.. Emergencies only...
Anyways, this thought hasn't left my mind because i find it rather amusing. Picture me, going total granola and wearing the earthy look.. Maybe I should find a pair of birkenstocks my size. It's a bit of a shame I couldn't sport that at work.. You are all probably wondering if it's at all possible for me to stick with this look and go for more of a look.. Well, besides the birkenstocks I would have to not only NOT pluck the brows... (God help that.. I will have to post a pic pre eyebrow waxing/plucking phase...) And let my hair grow into a major rat's nest. Meaning, no washing or brushing of any kind. I could go on forever but you get the picture here...........
Here's a picture for your enjoyment.......NO it's not of me with my hairy armpits showing...It was taken a few months ago.. I received this via email from a friend of mine.. IT made my morning...
Friday, March 02, 2007
Ok.. Ok...
I looked at my blog just a few minutes ago and thought to myself that i haven't been up to date on this. Yes, so i have been busy,. I will make the extra effort to continue on this blog...
There will be more to come this weekend.. Stay tuned folks!
There will be more to come this weekend.. Stay tuned folks!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
"Relaxing Weekend..."
Quote of the day..."Ummm... miss Treesa.. um yeah miss treesa. I am going to marry you off!"
Okay, I know should be finishing up on a few things right now before anything else but that can wait for just a few minutes. The background noise of the esspresso machine frothing is slowly dwindling away due to the zone I am in right about now. But maybe it's because my weekend was ubber relaxing and I am still in that zone. Well I was busy but in a relaxing sort of way. I am following strict orders from my doctor and my new years resolution. Um yeah.. I have to hear it from a trained profressional before I take the advice my mom has been spewing out to me for the past 6 months. HA! Yes mom, you are right.. So I said it and I hate admitting that shit to her face. Saturday was one of those days when I hung out in my comfies most of the day was such great company. We chilled and watched some re-runs of scrubs from season two. Later on in the day I watched the football game at a pub on the hill. Well, the game really wasn't relaxing to watch because the Hawks pulled their heads out of their asses during the last quarter of the game. I am sure my loud ass voice screaming at the tv made them work harder. And in the end we were jumping for joy and yelling for happiness when they beat the cowboys by one lousy point. Of course today, I am sitting in a coffee shop near my house reflecting on the past two days. Before doing this I was aslseep in my warm cozy bed. As for the rest of the day, I will finish up my things that need to be done and then just kick it at home. I want to curl up on the couch and watch a good movie. The netflix is here and I am rather excited.
Okay, I know should be finishing up on a few things right now before anything else but that can wait for just a few minutes. The background noise of the esspresso machine frothing is slowly dwindling away due to the zone I am in right about now. But maybe it's because my weekend was ubber relaxing and I am still in that zone. Well I was busy but in a relaxing sort of way. I am following strict orders from my doctor and my new years resolution. Um yeah.. I have to hear it from a trained profressional before I take the advice my mom has been spewing out to me for the past 6 months. HA! Yes mom, you are right.. So I said it and I hate admitting that shit to her face. Saturday was one of those days when I hung out in my comfies most of the day was such great company. We chilled and watched some re-runs of scrubs from season two. Later on in the day I watched the football game at a pub on the hill. Well, the game really wasn't relaxing to watch because the Hawks pulled their heads out of their asses during the last quarter of the game. I am sure my loud ass voice screaming at the tv made them work harder. And in the end we were jumping for joy and yelling for happiness when they beat the cowboys by one lousy point. Of course today, I am sitting in a coffee shop near my house reflecting on the past two days. Before doing this I was aslseep in my warm cozy bed. As for the rest of the day, I will finish up my things that need to be done and then just kick it at home. I want to curl up on the couch and watch a good movie. The netflix is here and I am rather excited.
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