I ventured out today because i was about to go stir crazy for my third consexcutive day at home. For my enjoyment I hit up the mall to do some serious "mall walking." It was one of those senior moments at the mall, walking around and not really there for a whole purpose except to just kick it because I was bored out of my mind at home. All that was needed was a cup of stale mcdonald's coffee in my hand, bitch'in polka dot nylon sweatsuit, black velcro therapy shoes, and my 1 lb arm weights on my wrists.
I found myself walking through stores looking at clothes, people watching, and talking loudly on my phone... I am sure everyone around me heard me telling **** about how my mom wants me to marry a "Good Catholic" man, ideas on how to take a drug free piss test, or about the people I work with... I probably talked to **** for a good portion of my time at the mall. And my favorite part to this whole trip is people watching. I LOVE doing that. There are some really exotic people roaming the mall during a work day.
Tomorrow, I will probably be at work again wishing that I was couped up at my house taking a nap or mall walking.. so I guess I should treasure these kind of days relaxing and not really doing a lot.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
"Maby we can get to know eachother.."
"Maby we can get to know eachother......"
I am seriously sick of those nasty white men who have terrible yellow fever that come and leave me messages on myspace. "I just want to be friends.." Or here is a classy one, "It's late, what are you doing?" Um yuck!! Another one I got this evening: "Maby we can get to know eachother......" First of all spell "maybe" right. Um how old are you and it you must be from ***** to spell that word wrong. A few weeks ago, I also got the web address to someone's flickr page. Well, you know me I went and looked... I just laughed really loud..
It's lame because I am obsessing about this shit right now.. It's probably because I have cabin fever right now and am ready to let loose.. If I had alcohol with me tonight my roommate would probably come home to find me intoxicated.. But no.. I don't have any...
I am seriously sick of those nasty white men who have terrible yellow fever that come and leave me messages on myspace. "I just want to be friends.." Or here is a classy one, "It's late, what are you doing?" Um yuck!! Another one I got this evening: "Maby we can get to know eachother......" First of all spell "maybe" right. Um how old are you and it you must be from ***** to spell that word wrong. A few weeks ago, I also got the web address to someone's flickr page. Well, you know me I went and looked... I just laughed really loud..
It's lame because I am obsessing about this shit right now.. It's probably because I have cabin fever right now and am ready to let loose.. If I had alcohol with me tonight my roommate would probably come home to find me intoxicated.. But no.. I don't have any...

This pictures makes me want to go back and just relax again. We cheated on the hiking part and did only a small portion of it but watching the sun go down at this peak was pure gorgeousness. ***, you must go on a REAL hike one of these days.. Hikes and scenery like this makes me adore nature and the outdoors even more. I like to get dirty!
The snow is beautiful here but I think everyone seriously freaks out about this damn snow. I looked outside tonight and found it to be just frosty with a bit of ice. And cold, sure.. but we've all survived this weather before.
Grr.. It's late for me.. Really late.. I just looked at the clock and it's 1:00am. Yikes. I took an aleve for a fever and it's kept me up.. I don't care what people say about Aleve it always a jolt of energy for me....P told me that it helps for those menstrual cramps.. Works... But after taking a couple I am adhd gone mad. If you can just imagine...
Now I am fever free, but am awake and ready to take on a day....HA..yup.. Sure.. My body is going to hit a wall here in few hours... So I will be watching a few informercials and checking on my bids on ebay.. (Yuck, another addiction.. due to my sanity of being at home all day.. ) I will not see my actual curling iron until Aprilish.. So I decided to look for another one on ebay.. Found one but hopefully I will win this beast... Keep the fingers crossed.. Knowing me I will sit straight up in my bed at 7:00 Am and go straight to my computer to see if anyone has outbid me on this beast. Don't worry folks, my blogs won't be consisting of my ebay addiction...
I stayed home today because I am still not feeling up to par. I found myself in bed watching re-runs of cheesy sitcoms and those tlc shows... And I did about an hour of work and then found myself colapsing on my bed again.. I slept for part of the day.. I should have taken an aleve earlier today, I would have felt like a new woman.. Oh well..(note to self.. take aleve during the day and not late at night..)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Yesterday morning on my way to work i found myself pratically drenched from head to toe because of the rain. Since I work by one of the major hospitals I decided to trek in the sketchy doors of the ER and ask for a pair of scrub pants. (My school is affiliated with them so I have priveledges at this particular hospital. Don't think I marched off of the street and went in asking for a pair of scrub pants randomly..) As I walked into this part of the hospital, my eyes were as big as watermelons and I was staring like a little kid. I couldn't help but do it because I am a pure maniac when it comes to people watching or maybe I am just too damn nosey. Well, what got my heart pounding was the fact that there were cops everywhere and it seemed as if something just went down. So of course, after I recieved my pants I stayed and watched a little bit longer hoping that I could see something.. But no..
Besides that short stint of excitement for me yesterday, it has been rather busy for me. Last night, you probably would have seen me asleep on my bed with a book in my hand at about 10:00pm. Exhausted from my day and knowing that it was just the begining of my week. (bleh.) Because of me falling asleep there was nothing accomplished. So tonight, is the night that will begin a marathon of multiple activties. No other time to really sit back and relax. Although I am using some of my "tess time" to do this right now. Actually my tess time has carried on for almost two hours. It's actually needed... Okay, ready set go.. The marathon will begin now..
Besides that short stint of excitement for me yesterday, it has been rather busy for me. Last night, you probably would have seen me asleep on my bed with a book in my hand at about 10:00pm. Exhausted from my day and knowing that it was just the begining of my week. (bleh.) Because of me falling asleep there was nothing accomplished. So tonight, is the night that will begin a marathon of multiple activties. No other time to really sit back and relax. Although I am using some of my "tess time" to do this right now. Actually my tess time has carried on for almost two hours. It's actually needed... Okay, ready set go.. The marathon will begin now..
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